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[at the party]

"jungkookie, pass me some more beer." i wasn't really drunk yet, just buzzing slightly. i hear a familiar laugh besides me and jungkook swiftly refills my red solo cup. i giggle quietly to myself and down the cup in one. i screech loudly and laugh yet again.

"hyung, be careful! you know how crazy you act when you're drunk!" i physically cringe at the memory; i almost got hit by a car because i was sat in the middle of the road singing 'happy birthday'. apparently i was singing it to taehyung, but his birthday had passed a month ago.

"shush, jungkook. i'll be fineeeeee," i drag out the 'e' for emphasis. jungkook just chuckles and takes a swig of his own drink.

"i'm going to find some more beer ok? stay here and don't have anything else to drink." jungkook leaves me on the stairs and walks off somewhere to find a full bottle. i huff, pouring myself another drink. to hell with what jungkook says: i'm his hyung i can do what i please.

10 minutes later, i'm flat-out drunk. i haven't had it in so long and it feels good as it warms the back of my throat. i stagger down to the basement, where i see namjoon and seokjin making out. i giggle again, despite myself, and watch two guys doing shots for a bit.

suddenly it's too hot. i feel overwhelmed by the heat of the dancing bodies around me, and quickly discard my jacket, hanging it loosely over tae's banister. i'll pick it up later or get taehyung to drop it off at mine. with nothing else to do except drink, i make my way sluggishly up the stairs.

i had already left my cup down in the basement somewhere and my body was begging for some water. i shrugged the feeling off, trying to concentrate on staying upright.

after saying sorry way more times than i should've to people i wasn't sure whether i had made up or not, i arrived at the second floor, where practically no one was drunk. everyone was talking calmly and quietly, which was a blessing to my ears after standing right next to a speaker for like 20 minutes.

i spot a familiar person in front of me and stumble towards them. funny, he looks like hoseok. i mentally kick myself, hoseok's probably in a different part of seoul; there's no way we'd both end up at the same party. abandoning my sober thoughts, i latch myself onto the back of this person, accidentally pulling them to the ground. i giggle again and snuggle into his body. he's warm and smells nice.

by this time, most of my brain was affected by the alcohol and i remembered saying something incoherent before passing out on this person's shoulders. he even sounded like hoseok.

lmao lord help me

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