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i roll over in the comfortable bed, breathing in an unfamiliar scent. my eyes shoot open, realising that i was most definitely not at mine or taehyung's. i attempt to get out of bed, instantly regretting moving because of the pounding headache i currently have. groaning in annoyance, i slowly rise out of bed like a zombie. i wait a second for everything to settle and for the doorway to stop wobbling about.

i head to what seems like the kitchen and i find a note, scruffily written, laying on the table.

hello whoever you are.
if you can't remember anything that happened last night, wait till lunch and i'll explain. i doubt you'd stick around that long anyway. there's aspirin on the countertop and toast in the toaster. i'll brb.

h? i wonder who that could be. for now, i ignore the note and gratefully swallow the aspirin with the glass of water. already feeling slightly better, i take the toast out of the toaster and munch on it. i get bored after finishing my breakfast so i decide to explore this person's flat.

the flat itself is nothing out of the ordinary. it's rather simple and has the necessities you need to survive. i wander into the bathroom, the living room and the bedroom. the decor is extremely calming: it looks like something from a tumblr blog. i see my phone on the side table, where i don't remember leaving it last night. i press the home button and find zero notifications. none. not even a text from hoseok. maybe he's still asleep.

i throw my phone back onto the bed and continue looking around the room. my eyes catch a set of picture frames on the shelf; letting my curiosity get the better of me, i go over to investigate. the first few pictures are of a small boy with his family, laughing and genuinely having a blast. he looks really familiar but maybe he just has one of those faces. as you go further along the shelf, the little boy gets older. i awe at his toddler phase but suddenly freeze when i notice the last picture on the shelf: the most recent picture.

my eyes widen and i cover my mouth with my hand. it can't be. there's no way the universe would let this happen. it can't be-

suddenly i hear the door unlock and a loud, bubbly voice yell out "im home!"

he doesn't remember what i look like, does he?

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