Self-love, it's the most essential and at the same time the most misunderstood thing. We always confuse this term with self-obsession, yes self-love doesn't mean self-obsession all time. I know this post won't reach out everyone and yes it is not for all, this one is actually for those people out there who are searching for love everywhere else except in themselves.
This concept of making others happy in life is the pillar on what humanity stands on, but making others smile by losing your own; I don't think it's always worth it. We usually forget that the happiness we are trying to give this world, even we deserve the same ; that smile you want to bring on others face, it actually should start from your face and most importantly the love you want to introduce to this cold world, that must first start by loving yourself, by loving your warm heart . Just because at the end of the day , when the lights turn off and the world appears to be dark ; the only thing you will have is yourself and if you fail to love that person in the mirror, no one could ever save you from this cold world except that superhero in you who gets the power from self-love . Wake it up and know that you deserve that love from yourself and not anyone else ...
We search for love everywhere in this world of cold hearts and when we fail to find it we try to create it for others, but we never even care to find that love from us or create it for us. IT IS NOT WRONG IN CREATING THE LOVE YOU WANT FOR OTHERS, BUT IN THIS PROCESS, NOT CARING FOR YOURSELF IS WRONG. When we can't love ourselves how can we expect others to love us.
In this world we have two kinds of people, number 1 is those who love themselves the most, and number 2 who undervalue themselves. Let me address these number 2, First get it straight in your mind, you deserve that love you are trying to give this world; just know that you are the best; you're destined to be loved and first by yourself. Your smile will light up more lives than you losing your smile to bring it upon others face. Sometimes just go carefree, take yourself out, sip a coffee alone, watch a movie, have a spa day, eat the dishes you love alone, sit in a park and talk alone, do things you always wanted to and just love yourself throughout. The time when you fill that void space of love in your heart with your own love, that is the time when you become eligible to fill those voids in this world which lack warm hearts.
Love yourself not because I'm insisting you to, but because you deserve it.
We always confuse self-love with self-obsession; these are two completely different terms. Self-obsessed is a stage where you have become so involved in yourself that you don't care about anyone else or whether it's hurting them; the only thing you want is your well being even if it costs someone's happiness and self-love is not even nearby this.
Try loving yourself, just love yourself and everything in this world seems to be magical, the sunrise seems like it was made for you, you will feel everything that nature does is made for you; your vibes will turn good automatically and your sadness will just fade from your heart forever. Just know that you deserve it all and loving yourself is not bad, no it is not self-obsession also.
Self-Love ≠ Self-Obsessed
SpiritualSelf-love, it's the most essential and at the same time the most misunderstood thing. We always confuse this term with self-obsession, yes self-love doesn't mean self-obsession all time. Know more about self-love.