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I picked out a black dress with black high heels. The boys should be soon so I would do my hair quickly. I pulled out my curler and turned it on. My hair was already curly so I didn’t have to do much. It took me 6 minutes to do. Then I put on a little make up like mascara and some eye liner.  I waited downstairs for the boys.

At around 6 the boys should up. I grabbed my phone and put it in my purse then headed out. They boys looked nice. We pulled away from my house. The car ride was the same except we had One Direction in the limo. They were all scattered around the limo except for Harry and Louis they were cuddling each other.

We pull up to the club and walk in. There were paparazzi everywhere. Flashes were going off and questions were being shouted. “So how is being around each other”, reporters said. We took a couple of pictures and then walked inside.

The music was blasting with the bass up loud. Harry and Louis ran to the dance floor. We all joined them on the dance for. Only girl was playing. I was a good dancer so I was rocking the dance floor.  The next song was Party Rock Anthem. Everyone was jumping up and down and soon we got the whole club. We got tired so we took a seat at the table. Zayn and Louis were still on the dance floor with girl.

The girls were grinding up on them. It wasn’t too pleasant to see.  James and Harry went to get us drinks. They weren’t getting me any alcohol since I was under aged. They came back and I think I had a virgin Shirley temple. The other boys were having some hard alcohol except for Liam he had the same as me. I haven‘t been to a club in a while so this was a great experience.

The boys were getting tipsy. I was still fine. Harry and Louis staggered over to the bar to go get more drinks. The only one not as bad as the boys was Liam. We were having a conversation. James left to go to the bathroom. I guess he had to go because he ran to the bathroom. I was talking with Liam about random things. Niall heard part of our conversation and was cracking up. It’s been 10 minutes and James still hasn’t returned.

James’ Pov.

I was having a good time tonight. It was fun hanging out with One Direction. We were dancing to Only Girl. May was dancing pretty well. I could tell she was a dancer because some of her moves were extremely good that would take years to practice. The song was over and next came on Party Rock Anthem.

We were jumping up and down to the song. All of us were going up and down at the same time. It was a pretty funny thing to see. During the middle of the song we got tired and took a seat at the table. All of us were pretty thirsty so me and Harry offered to get drinks. We walk over to the bartender. “What will it be gentleman”, the bartender said.

“Will have 2 virgin Shirley temple and 8 glasses of vodka”, I said. I didn’t want to get May some alcohol since she was under aged. I didn’t want anything to happen to her. While we were waiting for are drinks Harry turned to me. “I could tell you love May.” I just nodded. “The way you look at her you could see the love in her eyes. You to make a cute couple”, he finished. I nodded again.

The bartender came with our drinks so we headed to the table. We gave the drinks to everybody.  I took a seat next to May. We were all making good conversation. I had to go to the bathroom really bad. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I started to the table but something caught my eye. I saw May and Liam talking. It seemed like they were having a good time.

I wasn’t too drunk so I could tell what was going on. I couldn’t stand it. They seemed to get pretty close. I walked away and headed to the back. This girl came up to me. “Hey what’s your name’, I asked. “My name is Olivia.” “Nice to meet you Olivia. I’m James.” She looked really hot in her outfit. 

We both were staring into each other’s eyes. We both leaned in and kissed. I pushed her against the wall and started to make out with her. I heard and gasp and I turn around and see May. You could see the hurt on her face. I smirked to myself.

Choosing Between Big Time Rush and One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now