Weddings and Suprises

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1 Month Later

“Come on get up”, I yelled. Right now it was me, Jessica, Erin and Adrina trying to wake up Sam. Today was the big day for her. Today Sam was getting married. We were all buzzing with excitement. “Just two more minutes”, Sam said. “No you have to get up now for you wedding”, Jessica screamed. Sam just turned over and put her face into the pillow. “Don’t make me get the water on you”, I said. “You wouldn’t”, she said. “Are you sure about that”, I said smirking. “Okay I’m up”, she said.

She got up and pushed us out of her room. A few minutes later she came out dressed in some shorts and a t shirt. “Alright let’s go get your hair done”, Erin said. We dragged Sam to the car and headed to the hair dresser. We get in there and send off to flavia. We sat there waiting for her to get done. “I can’t believe the day she’s getting married”, Jessica said. “I know it seems just yesterday when I had to help Sam and Harry get together”, I said.

“Yeah I want to get married someday to the perfect husband”, Erin said. “Don’t worry will get married someday”, Adrina said. Everyone was a happy couple. Harry and Sam were the only ones engaged right now. I hope that Liam proposes to me soon because he’s the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Sam’s Pov

I’m so nervous right now. Really it’s your only day to get married. Harry is the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Right now Flavia was working on my hair. I told her to do what looks best. I’m nervous for my wedding. What if something goes wrong or if he leaves me at the alters. “Relax hunny”, Flavia said. “Did I just say that out loud”, I asked. “Yes but don’t worry I’ve seen you and Harry on covers and pictures. He looks like he loves you”, she said.

It made me feel a little bit better. “Ok you can turn around”, she said. She spun my chair around and I looked in the mirror. My hair was in nice curls. It looked really good. “Alright you can go”, she said. “Wait don’t I have to pay”, I asked. “No someone already taken care of that”, she said. I got up and walked out to where the girls were.

“Are you ready”, I asked. The all looked up and saw my hair. “Oh My Gosh You Look Amazing”, Jessica said. “Thank you Flavia you did a really good job”, May said. "Anything for you girlie”, she said. We walked out and I walked over to May. “Do you know Flavia”, she asked. “Yeah I used to go here when I lived in England she used to be one of the people that I could talk to”, May said.

“Ok so where next”, I asked. “Well the ceremony starts soon so were going back to my flat to get ready”, said May. We get into the car and head to May’s apartment. Once we get there we walked inside. I was the last one in. “May why are the lights off”, I said. “Surprise”, I heard and saw the light flick on. My parents were here.

“I thought you guys said you couldn’t afford it”, I said. “We couldn’t but May offered to pay for our tickets and we couldn’t say no”, my mom said. “Thank you May”, I said giving her a hug. “No problem what kind of friend would I be to let my best friend walk down the aisle alone”, she said. “Well you’re not my best friend”, I said. She kind of looked confused. “May you’re my sister”, I said.

I went up and hugged her. “Guys hate to break it to but we need to start moving”, said Erin. We started working on getting ready. I went to the guest room and put on light make up. I then put on my white dress. I then put on my veil. My maid of honor is May and the bride’s maids are Jessica, Erin and Adrina. I picked May because she is like my sister.

I finally am done and walk out. I see all of the girls dressed up they looked so good. “Alright let’s get a move on”, my mom said. We head in to the limo that May got for us and headed to the church. We got out and walked in to the door that would lead us to the reception. We all paired up ready to go. It was Adrina and Niall first then Erin and Zayn then Jessica and Louis then May and Liam then me and my dad. The doors open and they started walking in.

Harry’s Pov

I see the doors open and I see all of our friends walking out in pairs. I keep looking to see Sam. I’m the luckiest person in the world. I finally see Sam and she looked amazing. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. She got up on stage and the priest started talking. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony”, the priest said. I got lost in what he was saying because I was looking at how beautiful Sam was.

I don’t know how long it was because I heard the priest say “Do you Harry Styles take Samantha Anderson to be your awfully wedded wife”, the priest said. “I do”, I said. “And do you Samantha Anderson take Harry Styles to be you awfully wedded husband”, he said. “I do” she said. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride”, the priest said.

I leaned down to kiss her. Everyone was clapping. We walked out of there with everyone clapping. It was now time to head to the party that was going to take place in Knight Bridge hotel. I hopped into the limo with Sam. “So how are you feeling Mrs. Styles”, I asked. “I’m feeling good now that I can call you my husband”, she said. I never would have thought being the youngest in the group and getting married first. We soon pull up to the hotel and I help Sam out of the limo.

Everyone else was in there. I walked in holding hands with Sam. “Here comes the newlyweds”, said Louis. I went to talk to the boys while Sam went to go talk to the girls. “Hey guys”, I said. “Hey Harry”, Zayn said. “Who would have thought Harry would get married before all of us”, Liam said. “Yeah but someone else can get married *cough. Liam *cough”, I said.

“Yeah when are you going to pop the question”, Louis asked. “I don’t know”, he said. “Mate you’ve had this ring since two weeks ago”, Niall said. “Yeah why don’t you go for it”, Zayn said. “I don’t know when the right time is”, Liam said. “Well how about right now”, I said. “I don’t won’t to make this about me it’s your day plus I don’t have the ring”, Liam said. “Well I do”, Louis said. We all looked at him. “Well I thought today would be a good day”, Louis said. “Alright it’s settled you’re asking her to marry you today”, I said. “Fine but only at the end of this thing”, Liam said. “Fine”, I said.

May’s Pov

The wedding was so beautiful. “Well look who it is”, I said. Sam came walking to us. “Hey guys”, she said. “Hey Sam”, we all said back. We stood there talking for a bit before Harry came over asking to dance with Sam. I walked over to Liam. “Do you want to dance”, I asked. “Sure”, he said.

We spent hours dancing. Something was bothering Liam. He seemed distracted. We finished dancing and I went to go talk to Sam. “What’s wrong”, Sam said. “I don’t know Liam has been acting different”, I said. She was about to respond but Harry went up and grabbed the microphone. “I know that the party is almost over but my friend Liam has to make an announcement”, Harry said.

It looked like Liam was getting pushed on stage. He finally grabbed the microphone. “Um well it was about 4 years ago when I met the most beautiful women I ever met but at that time I couldn’t have her. We got close but she disappeared one day. One day I was walking in the park and I bumped into that women. We started dating but broke off. We lost contact but again I met her. It was like fate brought us together”, he took a breath. Tears started to well up in my eye.

“If you asked me when I was younger what I picture myself in two years. I would of said still working on the band with my brothers but now if you ask me I would still say still working on the band but I also see this special person by my side through the time. She is the most beautiful person I’ve ever met and I can’t picture my life without her. That is why I’m going to ask her this. May will you marry me”, Liam said getting down on one knew. My hands flew up to my mouth. I nodded and everyone cheered. Liam looked relived. I ran up there and jumped into his arms. “I love you”, I said. “I love you to”, Liam said.

Author’s Note

So now Harry and Sam are married and Liam and May are engaged. I really had never been to a wedding so sorry if I got anything wrong. I tried looking it up but there was so many different things. I also didn’t want to put too much in of what the priest said so it wouldn’t be boring. One more chapter left plus the epilogue. I just want to take the time to say you guys are the best readers and fans thank you.

                Love Ya, Heather

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