SHOH Chapter IX

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    They Should've Listen

   -2 Days Later-

        Where a life is hushed in demise. Where the black skies turn grey. Where he reincarnates or goes to heaven or hell, he escaped the living nightmare of Sahia. Zack didn't bare through it but chose the mortal escape of it. Dustin and his friends circled around his grave. His uncle didn't pay for a funeral but did pay for a coffin to be buried six feet underground.

    "How did he die?" Dustin asks Zack's uncle. His uncle now in mourning and devasted of Zack's unexpected death.

   "He died from impact on the faucet. I suspected he slipped and fall while taking a shower. Then I saw bruises around his neck." Uncle explains while a mournful tear strokes down from his eye.

    "Bruises?" Dustin raises the brow in question. "Was there someone else in the house with Zack by that time?

   "No plus he knows not to let anyone except me into the trailer." His uncle exclaims.

     Alma walked up to Dustin filled unsettlement and perturbed. "Don't tell  she's starting to become homicidal?" Alma gulped while her eyes shocked with insomnia from Sahia's haunt two days ago.

    "I don't know." Dustin shooks head feeling unsure. "To be honest, I don't know why she killed him."

   "He was unaware of his profanity." The same middle aged man from school walked up to Dustin scaring the wits out of him. "That put his life in the grave."

    "You?!" Dustin turns around full of wonder. "How'd you get here?"

    "I drove here..." The middle aged male replied. "Do you know why he met his demise, Dustin?" His voice was so cracked and raspy making his voice sound like an elder.

    "Like you explained, he didn't watch his profanity..." Dustin replied hesitantly.

    "Exactly." The male approves."If he didn't piss her off, he probably still be alive. Cussing or cursing at the poor girl would make Sahia more provoked. You've guys already provoked her by going to her house to play that stupid game then flee."

     "Woah! Woah! Woah!" The male turns around while Ashley and Colleen were walking up to him ready to question him. "First of all, how'd you know we played hide and seek at Sahia's place and now how'd you knew about this scenario?" Ashley asks.

     "I was watching you and you should've listened to my warning." He replied with an eerie glare. "Now, one by one she's going to get you. Your minds are like infants compares to Sahia's. Her spirit is delinquent."

   "Will she kill us?" Colleen asks.

   "Hahaha! She will!" Laughed the male. "Zack was killed by provoking her.  If you are reluctant to play the game, she'll haunt you."

    "Okay!" Colleen snaps a bit. "How do you know about this so damn much? Did you search the Wikipedia or you experienced it yourself?"

    "I was the only survivor left. My friends and I were thrill seekers just like you. Dead bodies unrecognizable, and paranoia becomes a bitch. I can still hear the screams from my friends two decades ago. Screams of being found and possessed even the screams of accidental suicide." The man hisses  slightly like the experience broken him and tear down his emotional walls. "Never be so biased of the looks of the house. It has secrets ways to toy with your mind."

     "Yeah." Tyler commented. "We figured that out when we entered the house. The beauty was wrapping the malevolence like a Christmas present."

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