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Anger does strange things to our bodies and minds. It morphs us into our inner beast, it controls our thoughts and action. It's like we're pushed to the back of ourselves as another being controls us.

That's what I felt like right now. A floating soul, watching my body be controlled by a host.

Slipping my knife into my boot, I grabbed my keys, slamming the door shut. I know my eyes were gold instead of blue, but I couldn't stop it.

The beast has taken over, and I couldn't control it.

Making my bike purr with life from under me, I took off in a deadly speed, the directions engraved into my brain. I knew exactly where I was going.

The bloody paw pack house.

I never used to have a problem with them. Sure, we hated each other fiercely, but it was nothing that I couldn't handle. But when the beta chomped down on my leg when I was running through their territory, that's when they became a huge problem.

Karma's a bitch, honey.

The hospital, or the morgue? I couldn't quite seem to figure out what I wanted to deliver to him.

When I was about a mile away from the territory line I parked my bike and got off. I picked up the drawstring I stashed earlier from an empty tree trunk, and slung it across my shoulders. I made sure everything was in order one last time before starting my run.

When I stumbled across the territory line a few minutes later I looked around for the guards. I've been watching this pack for a while, so I know that they have at least four guards stationed at the territory line at all times. I looked around for a minute before something caught my eye.

I turned toward my left and saw two wolves, which thankfully haven't spotted me yet. I stepped into the vegetation surrounding us, making sure to conceal myself from their sight.

I pulled out my knife and very quietly slipped my drawstring off of my back. I retrieved a bottle of poison from inside the bag, and very gently dripped a couple drops into the blade of my knife. I put the poison away quickly and put the bag back on my back.

I watched as the two wolves guarded the territory line, and by the concentrated and angry look on their faces, I would say they were mind linking each other, and the conversation was anything but friendly.

After a minute or two they seemed to come to an agreement, and one wolf jogged off into the forest while the other one stayed where he was. I smirked.

I watched the large brown wolf pace back and forth, occasionally sending small growls to certain spots in the forest. When I knew he couldn't see me I crept out of my hiding spot, and made my way over to him very slowly.

The wolf stuck his snout in the air and inhaled. A vicious growl escaped his throat as he caught the scent of a rogue. My scent.

He whipped around at the speed of lightning, and went in a defensive position, but at this point I was already right behind him. I raised my knife and slashed him across the face before he got a chance to react. When the poison entered his system he went to let out a ear piercing howl, but I quickly silenced him with a knife to the throat. He took one more look at me before collapsing on the ground, dead.

I pulled my knife free and snarled at the corpse at my feet.

"Stupid mutt" I spit.

I quickly pocketed my knife. I reached down and dipped my hand into the dead wolf's blood. I smeared it across my arms, face, and clothes, successfully masking my scent.

I felt like a true warrior as I ran through the forest. Dodging trees and branches with grace, I managed to make it to the pack house rather quickly. When I saw the large house come into view I felt my need for revenge claw it's way to the surface.

I got out my knife again and took small steps towards the side of the house, stopping when I saw the balcony. A rather large tree was conveniently place a few feet away from the balcony, and I felt a smirk work its way onto my face.

Too easy.

I ran towards the tree and started to climb. Maneuvering through all the twists and turns of the branches would be difficult if you didn't have years of experience like me. Others would find this task undoable, while I find it as easy as breathing.

I made it to a long branch and very cautiously walked across it so I could get to the balcony. I made a flying leap and landed soundlessly on the ledge of the balcony. I tightened the grip on my knife, opened the doors, and walked inside.

Show time.

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