Birth (by: @JaredRossCollins)

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January 24th a beautiful baby was born. Red as a tomato, angry as none other, and the largest lungs a baby could have. She scrunched up her face in displeasure and screamed loudly in the cool air, showcasing her soft pink gums. Mary smiled at the baby, happy to be relieved of the sixteen-hour labor. She was exhausted and only wanted to sleep, after holding her child and loving her immensely.

The nurse cleaned up little Dianna and wrapped her in a soft, warm blanket before handing her to Mary to hold in her arms for the first time. Dianna had her eyes squished shut and her tiny fists were clasped hard, thumbs inside.

"She's perfect," John said and he traced a finger over Dianna's tiny nose. "She's gonna look just like you Mary."

Dianna made a weird gurgling noise and a hearty sigh. Apparently, she was exhausted too.

"Do you want to hold her?" Mary asked, feeling more tired as the effort seeped from her bones.

"Yeah." John rested his hand beneath the tiny head and his other hand under her small body, lifting her carefully and kissing her forehead, the soft hair brushing his lips.

"Dianna Jamiy Winchester," John said quietly to his new daughter.

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