Annabeth I

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Fatal Flaw: Annabeth’s POV


“Percy,” My voice is barely above a whisper now, “Come on Sea-weed Brain.  Come on.” I look down into his sea green eyes and feel my heart break at the amount of pain in them.  His once orange shirt is now a sickly shade of crimson, the Camp Half-Blood symbol no longer visible.  He looks up at me and gives a weak smile which is almost instantly replaced with a grimace, “We did it Wise Girl.  We stopped her.” His voice is rough and etched with so much pain it hurts to listen.  

I look over at the small mound of dirt that now stands where the earth deity was only moments ago.  He stopped her.  He stood up to her when we couldn’t.  He risked everything to stop her and now he’s dying because of it.  I feel tears tracing they’re way down my face, making little streams through the thin layer of dirt covering me.

You did it Percy.   You stopped her.” I whisper.  He attempts another smile,

“I couldn’t have done it without you or anyone else.  We all played a part.” Even now, when he’s dying he won’t take the credit.  I can’t help but smile, “Spare me the heroics Perc.  We need to get you to the ship.  You need-” he stops me,

“Annabeth,” I can feel the dread racing through me, “It’s too late.  Not even the gods can save me now.” I grab his hand not wanting to let go.  The air around us suddenly turns cold sending shivers up my spine.  I whip around holding my Drakon bone sword in front of me.  But what stands in front of me is not a force I or anyone else can fight. 

I lower my sword slightly in defeat as I look into the eyes of death himself.  He gives me a grim smile, “Annabeth Chase,”

“You can’t have him.” I respond simply, trying to force as much confidence into my voice as I can muster.  He shakes his head as if scolding a child, “Death takes all Ms. Chase.  It is just the matter of when.” I glance back at Percy, his eyes are closed now, his breathing is so faint I can barely see his chest rise and fall. 

I turn back to Thanatos and hold my sword a little higher, “You can’t have him.” I say again a sob threatening to come up and take control of me.  He looks slightly annoyed now, “Someone has to die today Ms. Chase.  And Mr. Jackson’s string is fraying.”

Someone has to die today.  His words run through my head over and over again, “Take me.” I whisper almost to myself, “Take me.” I say again this time with more confidence.  He looks surprised but his expression is almost instantly replaced with a grim one, “You must first know that in giving your life for his I will have no power over where your soul will end up.  Some have even been cursed to spend eternity in Tartarus.”

I feel a shiver running through me.  Percy and I had climbed through Tartarus only weeks prior and it wasn’t a place I necessarily wanted to go back to.  I nodded, “I-I understand.  Just give me a minute.” He nodded as I turned back to Percy.

His eyes are open now, his forehead wrinkled in confusion.  I bend over on the ground next to him and clutch him to my chest, “Annabeth you can’t-” I pull back to look him in the eye,

“Shhh…” I say placing my finger on his lips.  I finally let the tears run freely down my cheeks, “You and I both know that everyone has a fatal flaw Percy.” I try my best to smile, “And mine just so happens to be you.” I say my voice cracking. 

He opens his mouth to say something but I don’t wait to hear it.  I press my lips against his.  His are dry and cracked beneath mine.  But they’re still his.  I stay like that for a long time soaking in his salty smell, and the feel of his skin against mine until I finally can’t breathe, “I love you Sea-weed Brain.” I say pulling back so that I can breathe again. 

He looks up at me his eyes watering slightly, “I love you too Wise Girl, and that’s why I can’t let you go.” I shake my head feeling as if the world around me is falling apart, “Good-bye Percy.” He clutches my hand as I stand, “Annabeth no.” I pull my hand out of his and walk towards Thanatos tears running freely down my cheeks. 

“Okay,” I say my voice quivering as I do, “I’m ready.” He nods and then the world fades into darkness.

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