Annabeth IV

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Without Him: Annabeth's POV


Suddenly I'm plunged into a sea of darkness that seems to swirl around me in such a way to form shadowy shapes.  After focusing on a swirl for a while I realize that the shapes are more then that.  They're people.  The darkness gradually gets lighter but it reveals nothing more then open space and in the distance I can just make out a form that seems to be rushing towards me. 

For a moment I think that it's Hades come to take my soul to the Underworld but then it stops and I realize that it's not Hades or Thantos, or anyone intent on taking my soul to the Underworld. 

I pause letting his dark hair and stunning green eyes sink in.  This isn't right.  I think but I can't help but call out to him, "Percy?" I whisper but even from far away he looks up at me and smiles.  I shake my head slowly trying to focus on him in the darkness.  Confused for the first time in ages. 

He can't be here.  He should be alive and on his way to Camp Half-Blood but then I notice another smaller figure behind him.  The figure is clutching his legs and peaking out slowly as if afraid.  I have to hold back a gasp.  It's a child.

After a few more seconds of peaking and hiding he finally steps out from behind Percy and smiles a beautiful smile that light's up his eyes.  His hair is as dark as the sky at midnight and his eyes are a stromy gray that makes me think of the ocean.  The ocean.  My mind seems to whisper edging me on with the answer I already know to be true.

I suddenly freeze feeling as if a bucket of ice water had been dumped on me as the boy takes a couple steps forward still smiling.  He looks like Percy but his eyes.... he can't be.... After another step forward he looks back up at Percy then at me, "Momma?" he asks and I feel dread racing through me as the realization hits me.  This must be some form of what the Styx does to people's lost hopes and dreams. 

This is the futute I will never have. 

He smiles again and I feel as though my heart is being ripped out, "Momma," he says again this time more assurance in his voice.  Tears well up in my eyes and all I can do is nod slowly closing my eyes.  He looks so much like a much younger version of Percy. He jumps a bit with joy sending an aching feeling down my spine.

A sob suddenly threatens to choke me and I turn away.  I can't meet his eyes anymore.  Not now that I know who he really is.  This is my son.  Our son.  I slowly glance up from the dark ground but they're no longer there and despite my pain at seeing them here a certain heartache now fills the gap that I know can never be filled.

The world around me starts swirling again bits and pieces of pasts long forgotten and of futures that will never be had.  The vague whispers of conversations chase me through the darkness,

"We're staying together. You're not getting away from me. Never again." 

"As long as we're together.”  

My past seemed to rush by me in the form of whispers and images.  People always say that in the moment before death you can see your life rush before your eyes but it seems that it's in death that it haunts you.

"You drool when you sleep."

"I'm glad you're not a guinea pig."

"Because you're my friend."

Despite the shaken feeling seeing my future son has left me with I can just feel the edges of a smile pulling at my mouth at this because I know that he is so much more than just a friend and even though I know he can't here me I can't help but whisper in the darkness, "I love you Seaweed Brain." my words echo through the abyss I seem to be traveling through with no one but me to hear them.

The darkness slowly takes on a reddish tint and I can't help but feel as if something's wrong.  I look around again searching for some sign of the gates to the Underworld but am met with only with rough red and brown walls that I can't help but feel as if I recognize.  The swirling around me stops and my heart jumps into my throat as a single whisper seems to swim through my head again and again.

Welcome back.

Let me know what you guys thought! I'll probably have a Percy chapter up soon but as for now enjoy and may the gods be ever in your favor!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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