Chapter 9

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"Okay. Love you too. Bye mom." I told my mom through the phone before hanging up. Harry took another spoonful of cereal and pointed to the phone with the spoon.

"That your mum?" he asked, mouth still half full.

I rolled my eyes. "No, it was my pet unicorn. I trained it to talk. He really misses me." I told him sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and took another bite of cereal.

The boys had all ended up crashing on our couch for the night. Except Liam. He had to go meet up with Danielle for breakfast. So he left around five. But everyone else was fast asleep on the couches.

"She let you come here all on your own?" he asked ignoring my comment about the unicorn.

I nodded, "She trust Aunt Jamie. And I came with Anja, too. I wasn't alone."

"And you have Damien, too." He said, swallowing. I nodded. "How did you meet anyways? He's from here, yeah?"

I nodded, "Yeah, he is. We met when we were five. We came here as a family and I saw him getting made fun of because he liked dressing up. So I told the boys I would stuff the dress up clothes down their throats if they didn't leave. So they told my mom. My mom acted mad in front of the other moms so she looked like a good parent, but then she took Damien and I inside and gave us ice cream. I think she was a little proud." I said.

He smiled at me, "That's really kind of sweet. So him and Anja met through you?" I nodded. He nodded back. "That's pretty cool. You guys have been friends for a while then."

"Yeah, we're going to be friends forever and ever." I said in a sarcastic sing-song voice. He chuckled and clasped his hands by his cheek paired with a cheeky grin.

"That's so cute! You guys are just too sweet." He said, pinching my cheek. I scrunched up my face and pulled away. He laughed and stood up to put his bowl in the sink.

Just then, a very tired looking Louis walked in and I have to say, he looked very attractive. His hair was sticking out in every direction. He wa only wearing the jeans he had came here in, his muscled chest bare.

He smiled when he saw me and walked to where I was sitting, putting an arm around me and pulling me to his chest.

"Good morning." he said. I smiled and nuzzled my face into his chest.

"Morning." I said. He smirked and leaned down to kiss my head. He then pulled away to take a seat beside me, keeping our fingers entwined.

Harry sat down in his previous spot, sending a mock glare towards Louis.

"Good morning to you too, Louis. So glad your up." he said sarcastically. Louis smiled, realeasing my hand so he could run over and hug Harry.

"Oh, good morning Harry! I nissed you so much!" he said in a childish voice. Harry smiled and shoved him off.

"God Louis, when did you get so strong?" He questioned Louis, rubbing his neck. Louis smiled and walked back to his chair beside me, grabbing my hand again.

"I've always been strong." Louis said. He flexed the arm that wasn't holding my hand. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Okay. It's not because you started lifting weights because you thought it would impress Mika?" he asked. Louis's cheeks grew a bit red and he tried to hold in a smile.

"I don't know what your talking about." he said. "I've always been this strong." he said. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Oh, my mistake then." he said, taking a sip of his tea. I laughed at their banter, causing Louis to glare at me.

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