Chapter 1

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"Faster! C'mon, your not that slow are you? Did you gain that much weight over the years?" Damien yelled, running beside me. I smirked and pushed forward, running as fast as I could. I knew I was going to trip if I kept this up, but Damien wasn't going to hold him beating me over my head forever. I sprinted faster, faster, as fast I could. My hair was flying straight out behind me, my shirt tight against my front as I pumped my arms. I saw Anja (An-ya) already at the fountain. Of course, she was the fastest out of all of us. But maybe I could be second? Maybe-

My face got quickly aquainted with the ground. My feet flew into the air and then flopped onto the ground. I rolled over to see Damien running to join Anja at the fountain, not even asking if I was okay. Thanks, guys. I rolled, placing my hands on the ground and forcing myself up. Once I was on my feet I walked back to where Anja was nearly peeing her pants laughing and Damien smirked at me as I took a seat beside him.

"So, did you like making out with the ground?" Damien asked. Anja began to laugh again.

"Don't act like your not jealous." I said, trying to hide my burning cheeks. I don't run. Ever. At all. Why? Because I fall on my ass. Like I just did.

Damien smiled, showing a row of adorably crooked teeth. "Oh, of course I am! Nothing like smooching with cement."

I let out a chuckle at that. Damien smiled wider and brushed some shaggy black hair out of his eyes. His hazel eyes shimmered when he smiled. It made girls go mad. He wished it had the same effect on the guys. He didn't have to much luck finding boyfriends. Although, he had very high standards. Ever since he got hooked on One Direction, his standards shot through the roof. As would anyones.

Anja finished her fit of laughter with tears in her brown eyes. She stood up quickly from the fountain. Grabbing Damiens hand he hauled him up, too. I pushed myself up on my own and joined by Anja's side. She linked arms with me and tried to force me to skip down the street. I gave her a glare. She smiled and let my arm go, returning to a normal pace beside me.

Walking down the streets of London with my two best friends was one of the best feelings in the world. We had just joined Damien in England a few days ago. We had flown out from Canada for the summer to live with my Aunt Jamie. She was one of my favourite people in the world. She had been planning on coming to my high school graduation but she just couldn't make it. She was to busy to come see us, so she flew us out for the summer to make up for it.

Anja spotted a little dress store as we walked down the streets. Her eyes brightened as she saw a blue and white dress in the window.

I nudged her with my elbow, "You gonna get it?" I asked.

She sighed and shook her head, "Nah. I'd never wear it, you know? It's cute, but-"

I grabbed her arm, "But nothing! We're 18! We're on vacation! We have tons of spending money and we're going out for dinner tonight." I directed her gaze back to the dress, "Don't you want to look nice for the british boys?"

She acted shocked, "Why? I don't look nice regularily?"

Damien popped his head over my shoulder and said in a low voice, "Well, I didn't want to say anything, but-" Anja smaked him before he could get any farther.

"Fine." Anja gave in. "I'll try it on. But no promises!"

We spent the next hour and a half watching Anja try on dress after dress that Damien pulled for her. He even got me to try one on. He was quite a convincing boy.

Anja ended up getting a little yellow one. I didn't get anything, even after the tamtrum Damien threw.

We left the store and started on our way back to the flat. We kicked a stone and Anja and I explained life in Canada to Damien. He still found it odd that we drove on the right side of the road.

Of course, being as competitive as we all were, we raced down one of the streets to the intersection. I ran as fast as I could without feeling I was going to trip. I was actually winning. Damien and Anja were weighed down by bags but still, I was winning.

I got up to the intersection first, and just as I was about to turn around and rub it in their faces, something smacked into me and I fell to the ground.

This was just not my day.

"Shit! Oh my god, I'm so sorry are you all right?" Someone, a boy I think, asked as they hauled me to my feet.

I must of been hithard on the head. All I could hear in the background was screaming. Maybe just my ears ringing?

I turned to nod at the guy, but when I turned I froze completly. There wasn't just one boy, there was five. And they weren't just any boys, they were One Direction.

"Louis! C'mon man, we have to go!" THE Harry Styles said to THE Louis Tomlinson, who was standing right in front of ME! I had a little fangirl moment. ONE DIRECTION! But behind them was over 500 screaming fans.

"We can't go now! Their right behind us!" THE Liam Payne said to the other boys. Okay, calm down, Mika. They're just guys. Enoguh with the THE's.

Niall looked really nervous, but Zayn just turned to me and asked, "Do you have anywhere we can hide out from these fans?"

I nodded and said as steadily as I could, "My Aunt's house is a two minute walk. You can hide there for a bit if you need to." I finished saying just as Damien and Kayla caught up.

Liam looked at me franticly, "Can we go there? Like, now?"

"Holy mother of god. That's One Direction. How the hell did you meet One-"

"Later, Anja." I muttered. I nodded at the boys and took off running down the street with them.


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