Chapter 14

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Niall's P.O.V

How the hell did I end up here?

It's been days since i've seen Alex or even heard from her. I knew it was gonna be tough on her to see me but I thought after a few days she would come and talk to me. But I waited to long, she's moved on to the fag bag friend of Harry's, Sam.

I'm not even really sure how Harry and Sam even became friends. Hell i'm not even sure how Harry and I became friends! Well in case you haven't realized by now but me and Harry are all part of the band One Direction. Yupp Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, and me, Niall Horan go around touring place to place singing stuppid ass songs for cheerig little kids who seem to be in love with us. I have no idea why though, why they love me at least. The lads, they're good guys, me not so much.

I go out every night partying til I can't see straight anyore. I sleep with people who's names I can't remember during it. Hell I can't even count all the people i've fucked. I'm a horrible horrible person and I know it, and so do they, and Alex sure as hell does aswell. But the world, the world loves me, and I hate it I want to be out of the public eye.

When I was 16, my life turned into hell, I lost the thing that kept me alive. So I left, I left the pain behind and walked away with only a guitar in one hand and a couple hundred dollars and I was gone.

I bounced from place to place until I saw a sign saying there were going to be x-factor auditions and I thought what they hell do I have to loose.

So I auditioned and what do ya know I made it. Then it was like a whilrwind all of a sudden I was off the show then put together with four other guys around my age. They all got along so damn well and I was the black sheep. I stayed in the back but when the camera came on I acted like they all did. I was dark on the inside, hell I still am but the good thing is that I became a damn good actor through all this.

Anyways they're all so close and I'm just kinda...there. It's better this way the only person I'm somewhat close with is Harry. He's the only one that knows anything about my past and it's best that way. He understands me better than the others. I don't get how and I don't question it.

Harry and I go clubbing all the time. He can tell what i'm thinking just from looking at me. He even knows everything about my past, which is why he is so against Sam and Alex dating. He knows what happened and is trying to help me get her back. He stands up for me when I act like a jackass to the guys coming up with different excuses trying not to revel what my past is. I don't know how I even opened up to him in the first place. It may have helped that I was dead drunk and he was taking care of me, or the fact that you just feel like you can trust the guy, but I told him. And from then on he was always they're ready to help me out. And it's safe to say it feels pretty good having someone in my corner. I just never thought it would be somenoe who steps on bugs and then checks to make sure that they're okay. But hey, he's the closest thing iv'e got to a best friend, so i'll take em. 

He's all i've got either way, my parents hate my guts. After walking out on them they probably can't even look at me, thats why they haven't contacted me since I left. In reality it's best that way, let them think i'm the happy guy everyone else does. I can't hurt them anymore then I already have, that would be too much on them and me. 

It's been hard being stuck in the spot light. I know I know who doesn't like being part of the worlds biggest boy band yeah well umm I don't. It sucks being stuck in the spot light but I get to do the thing I love and that's singing.

If it weren't for singing I would have killed myself a long long time ago. That and the fact that i'm in love with someone who hates my guts. I have to prove to Alex that i'm who she needs to be with, i'm who she belongs with. Thats why it hurt so much when I found out she was going out with that douch nozzle Sam. Who the hell does he think he is, so what if he's preppy we have history together. It maybe be a fucked up history but guess what? It's a history. The only problem is she won't let me talk to her about it this way she knows that it's not the history she once thought it was. It's not bad, just messed up. But Alex seems to be confusing the two and I need to set her straight.

Set us straight.

Now the only question is how to get her to realize this is how I ended up here. Infront of her best friends trying to convince them that they need to help me to bring back the old Alex. The one they never met but would love just like I do. Even now I still love her, I don't care if she hatess me i've waited too long for her to just igrone me. I need her to hear me out.

I turn to Eva and Ally and somehow that doucheag of  a boyfriend. I still am sore from when he freaking attacked me. I give him a sneer then turn to the other two. 

"Okay, so this is the plan." 


A/N: How y'all likeing it so far?

I think i'm gonna tell you guys what happened between Niall and Alex soon since you've been so patient. 

Anyways I made a twitter so y'all can contact me and stuff its - hugginhemmo so go follow!

I've got a snow day today so there may be another update but no promise! 

Have a fantastic day!

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