In the Beginning

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I really hope you guys are ready for this. It's been turning over in my head for months. Most stories I have written start in my head and incubate till I just have to get it out.  The werewolf world as we know it is going to change. Change always starts small, we forget that, don't we?! I have to finish Demigod & the Dancer, and then I will turn my attentions to this. But I had to give you a preview, right? As always, comments and votes are appreciated and I will address as many as I can. 

Well, my dears...enjoy!


I don't know why I have to go at all...Okay-I knew why, I just wasn't interested. I just got in trouble just about every time.

My father, Theron, was the alpha of our pack, the Makyas. Sure, my twin brother Jaeger was the next in line to be alpha, and I bested him in everything (in secret of course-Papa would kill me if I did that where others could see), but where did that leave me? Being dragged to every single event, led like a horse looking for a rider, that's where I was! Eligible male wolves would come near me, and I prayed to feel nothing-that they would feel nothing. I'd seen what happened when a male caught the scent of his mate. His eyes blackened, his muscles swelled, and the poor female had her entire future planned in that instant. She just went along, it seemed. No vote?! Seriously?! Don't think so....

I couldn't be an alpha, but what about a beta?! My brother had been lobbying for this since we were twelve. We were fifteen-almost sixteen-and it didn't look good. 

Well, screw that! Screw ALL of it!

I sat in a waiting room of sorts at the moment, in trouble again. I'd been caught playing with the alphas and betas, which were young men. I was just too rough for the females. I just was. I enjoyed the sheer adrenaline of playing with these bigger and stronger wolves. I didn't have their size, but I was stronger than most females and could actually climb a tree without much effort. I was the natural gymnast, and I loved vexing those big louts with my quick movement and thinking. Can't I have any fun? 

"You really did it this time."

I turned to see my brother Jaeger, and rolled my eyes. "You said that last time."

"Kainda!" Jaeger gave an exasperated breath. "Kai, you almost bested most of the guys out there I couldn't beat."


"You want them to figure out that you were born first?"

"I really don't care, Jaeger, I don't!" I heard the growl in my own voice and took a deep breath. "Who cares? Everyone knows there's no female alphas. The Council frowns on it."

"There are reasons, you know that."

"Oh, because of the role of mates?!" I snorted. "Well, maybe you guys got the Moon Goddess wrong for once! We sit there, praying to a female and can't believe one might lead a pack-really?!"

Jaeger looked around, quickly moving to sit beside me. "Lower your voice, Kai!"

I saw the look in his eyes and relented. "God, whatever." I scooted down in my chair so I could get into a reclining position. "I want to be free to be me! No hiding and certainly no alphas."

"You're an alpha."

I sat back up, and though he said it softly, I teased, "Lower your voice, Jaeger!"

"Dad is trying to keep us together, he's on our side now! He is willing to let you be a beta. He is talking to the High Counselor! Why can't you behave?"

"Because the High Counselors won't let that happen either, especially that old stuffed shirt, Aaron!" I started looking out the window. The skies were clear, and I wished I could make them cloud up. That's how I felt. "They'd rather let Jiro be beta!"

New Age Werewolf Series Book 1: Taming A She WolfWhere stories live. Discover now