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    Song | This Side of Paradise
                                     Glass Animals
Bye bye baby blue
I wish you could see the wicked truth/ Caught up in a rush it's killing you/ Screaming at the sun you blow into/

Curled up in a grip when we were

Fingers in a fist like you might run/ I settle for a ghost I never knew/ Superparadise I held on to

But I settle for a ghost

Dick Grayson

Dick Grayson wasn't jealous. He was simply concerned.

And fine a little bit angry.

But could you blame him? His best friend was dating a guy who can't even take care of himself or stay out of trouble for more than a few hours. He was very concerned. It simply didn't make sense to him. This wasn't how it is supposed to work. He didn't want to seem entitled, but he was the first robin. It only made sense that Batman's only daughter would develop feelings for him, didn't it? Who in their right mind would pick a train wreck over Nightwing. Dick shook his head in confusion for seemingly the millionth time. Helena was so smart. She was hardworking and didn't need the Wayne name to succeed. She didn't need any of them. So why on  earth was she dating Jason, of all people. Pfft it didn't matter he didn't like her that way anyway.

He was not jealous. He really didn't care.

"Grayson!" Dick suddenly remembered where he was. Sitting in Bruce's office along with Bruce Jr. Who was currently waving a hand impatiently in his face.

"Are you almost done fantasizing about my sister?" Damian had a smirk on his face as he watched Dick's eyes narrow.

"I was thinking about the plan for tonight and since when do you refer to Helena as your sister? You hate her."

"I don't hater her. Blood is blood. I don't need to tell her for her to understand our relationship. She's good at reading people. She knows what we're all thinking. I mean you're probably the easiest to read." Dick doesn't have to look at the kid to know his signature smirk is displayed proudly on his face.

His eyes only widened a bit before he catches himself realizing he is most likely right and starts to speak.

"Guys, it's time. Helena just texted me she is here." Before he can snap back at him, Tim steps into the office coffee in hand.

"Speak of the devil." Damian lifted himself off the couch, exiting the room.

"Was he teasing you about your crush on Helena again?" Tim gestured towards the door with his coffee cup titling it slightly in the direction Damian had left in.

Dick glared at him,"I don't have a crush on her, Tim." Tim knew better than to push this particular subject. "Right, sorry I forgot."
He turned and shot Dick a peace sign before closing the door behind him.

Helena Wayne


Tim turned on his heel to find Helena approaching him.
"Helena, hey!" He smiled gently, "Perfect timing, I'm heading up to the conference room now."

They walked together catching up on the recent occurrences in their lives. Helena noticed the boy acting a bit jittery, "Jeez Tim how much coffee have you had?"

"Hey, rough night all right. I was out till two and didn't get back until four because I was helping Barbara set up a rootkit to lure in you-know-who." He lowered his voice at the last part, cautious about those around them. "It also doesn't help that I have to be here now and have a chem final after this." He took a swig of what was apparently his only energy source, remembering the lack of sleep his body was resenting.

"God, Tim I told you I would cover for you if you needed it and I can help Barbara if you need me too. I really don't mind."

"Yeah, but she would. I'm sorry, but you know she isn't really up for talking to you unless it's absolutely necessary." He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, struggling to keep the mood light. Something apparently none of the batkids could do.

Helena sighed once again being reminded of how much had changed since Jason started camping out in her bedroom.

"Hey El... don't beat yourself up about it." He said as he tossed his empty cup into the trash. "They'll get over it." Tim tried to give her a reassuring smile patting her arm lightly.

It was ironic that the boy who Jason had actually physically hurt in a moment of rage forgave him before the people who knew him before The Red Hood did.

"Tim listen I'm sorry I know this is wrong but he-"

"No." Tim stopped her and turned her to face him. They were alone in the hall leading to the conference room as he placed his hands on her arms, trying to reassure her. "Stop apologizing for something that happened two years ago that you had nothing to do with."

Helena took this chance to really look at him. This boy who wasn't a boy anymore, not the one she had first met years ago. He was taller than her now which was something she was still getting used to. She starred at the boy who had every reason to hate her, but didn't. She was used to standing up for him, not the other way around. Now he spent most of his time defending her from the rest of the batkids who apparently didn't have the guts to confront her. Ironic. This whole situation was ironic.

"Tim I-"

"Am I interrupting something?"

The malice in Dick Grayson's voice was thick enough to cut, weighing down on them with the intention to drown.

They both turned to face him, Tim lowering his hands from Helena's arms where he had been holding her. If looks could kill Helena and Tim would be buried six feet under, bodies already decomposing.

The last thing she needed today was another argument with Boy Wonder Senior.

She should have listened to Jason.

She should have stayed in bed.

-quick note-
I'm not good at organizing my writing on this app I am sorry.
Thank you to Jasosntodd and STStoryTime for encouraging me to keep writing this I hope you guys like this.

I'm going to try to write more, but you know school is a real thing i really need to keep up with.

The song at the beginning really applies more to Dick and his feelings towards Helena/ Jason. Honestly I'm feeling so soft for my bird children I don't even want to continue with this angst. Does anyone want to place bets on how long I'll last before I make them remember they love each other? I'm fighting the urge to write a bunch of bat family fluff tbh.

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