Chapter 13 - Stolen Kisses

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I was already practically lying down, but with one quick movement, Death managed to have me on my back. 

"Get off of me." 

"You don't really mean that," he grinned, straddling me while placing his hands on either side of my head. "And those were some pretty big words for that small mouth of yours." 

"What-" His finger landed on my lips, silencing me. 

"Like I said, you had no idea what you just proposed to me. You foolish girl." 

"So how about you get off of me and tell me?" I snapped, pulling his hand away from my face. He quickly turned it around on me, pinning my arm down on the bed. I tried to use my other arm, but soon that one was trapped, too. 

"Where's the fun in that? This is so much more entertaining." 

"I'm not some sort of toy! Get the fuck off of me!" 

"You might as well be," he whispered. "My little doll." Then his lips were pressing down on my neck: softly at first, but that soon changed. I was squirming underneath him, trying to get away, but his hands were like iron shackles around my wrists, stopping me from getting very far in any direction. 

"You should stop moving around like that." 

"I'll do whatever the hell I want!" I spat. "Let me go!" Then I felt the pressure of his teeth on my skin, and I couldn't help but gasping. 


He moved so his face was hovering over mine once more. "I'll stop, as long as you do one thing for me." There was a gleam in his eye when he spoke, and I knew that whatever he was going to say, I wasn't going to like. My neck was throbbing and I felt hot all over, and it made me even angrier. 

"What?" I wished that the force that I put behind those words would have actually had some effect on him. 

"Kiss me." 

"Y-You're fucking joking!" 

"Do I look like I'm joking, Emily?" The amusement had gone out of his face at my words, and now there was something else there that I couldn't identify. "Or should I just keep going from where I left off?" 

I was so angry that tears were starting to prick at my eyes. The last thing I wanted to do was willingly kiss this monster, yet I knew that letting him continue would probably end up being even worse. 

"I guess I'll just have to keep going then." A look of triumph slid over his features, as he started to move back down to my neck. 

"Stop!" He paused, looking back up at me expectantly. "I- Fine." I felt so completely defeated, but with no way to move and fight him off through force, I didn't see any other options. 

"'Fine' what?" The amusement was back in his eyes, taking advantage of the opportunity to toy with me even further. 

"I-I'll do it." 

"Do what?" 

"Kiss you," I said through gritted teeth. 

He smiled then, pulling my arms up over my head so that he could hold them with one hand. With his free hand, he gently cupped my chin. I couldn't help but thinking once again that under different circumstances, I would have found him attractive, and I mentally slapped myself for it. 

Not long after, his lips were on mine. I fought to keep myself from responding, but then his voice resounded in my mind: 

I said "kiss me", Emily: not "act like a dead fish".  

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