chapter 5

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We pulled up to the grave yard in my sleek black egoist. Zombies covered the whole place.

Alan through the car in park and slowly got out, surveying the scene around us.

Most of the people where already half bone random places having skin that was barely holding on. Others where pure bone or almost pure bone.

I get out cracking my knuckles. "Let's have some fun" I say placing my hands on the ground.

Nearly all of the graveyard Was covered in in sharp stone spikes. In mere seconds the stone burst into lava and devouring all the zombies.

Just as fast as it came the lava was gone and the path was clear. Sitting on a casket inside a building was the target.

He snapped his fingers a purple glow illuminating them. The ashes of the dead zombies built themselves up into deformed humans.

There eyes and mouth glowed the same purple color. My eyes widened at this necromancer's skill.

Alan's focus became a little more sharp as he watched the target.

"Okay help me get past these thingies and I'll kill the target" I said sticking both of my arms straight out to the side.

A large brown seal quickly grew from my left hand and a red one from my right. Then two rapiers appeared one made of marble, the other lava.

I cut down a few ash spawn thingie majigs before Alan caught up. His signature ebony mace in his hand.

"You always did prefer the blunt approach to things" I said smirking as I quickly stabbed into more ash, ripping them to shreds.

Just as quickly as they burst into ash they had built themselves back up again, sorounding us.

I threw my rapiers into the air slamming my hands on the ground. The two blades burst into spikes stabbing most of the ash things.

I jumped into the air grabbing the handles of the rapiers which quickly turned back to blades.

As soon as my feet touched the ground I took off at full speed. Jumping, spinning and slashing my way through the few zombies and ash things left.

I didn't have to worry about Alan, he could easily handle his own. My only focus was the target.

As I cut through the stone door to the building the necromancer snapped his fingers again a red bladed short sword appearing.

'Ooh I think I just got a present for Rey, it's even her favorite color' I think jumping into the air.

The target meets me half way easily blocking my attack. We hang in the air for a few moments, our blades clashing at lightning fast speed.

As soon as are feet touch the ground we push towards each other again. The intensity of our battle keeps his attention on me and he doesn't have a chance to keep rebuilding his army.

The building slowly starts falling down around us. Lava scorching the walls and sparks burning anything flammable.

I kick him in the chest and swing both blades down at once. But to my utter annoyance he blocks it, making me stumble back.

He takes this as his chance and summons another short sword, this one blue. He starts swinging rapidly cutting my arms and body.

Blood spills out of the deep cuts, a little dribbling out of my mouth. My vision gets blurry and black on the edges as I start swaying and fall backwards.

As soon as my body hits the ground a voice rings through my head. "Sebastian get up, get the hell up now, you are not allowed too.

My eyes widen at the voice "Rey" I mutter my voice sounding a little weaker than I like to admit.

At that moment the necromancer stabbed his swords down. The blue one aimed for my heart and the red one aimed for my stomach.

My body reacted on its own. Pulling the rapiers up to protect myself, I put them in the shape shape of an X, closing my eyes simultaneously.

I heard a clash and a snap sound and I knew I was safe. Until a tremendous pain roared through my stomach along with the disgusting noise of ripping flesh and metal clanking stone.

My hands instantly let go of the rapiers, gripping the blade that pierced my stomach.

The necromancer let out a shrill laugh and flicked the handle of the sword, cutting into my skin more.

He walked to the door holding his hand up and letting it glow purple as he revived all the ash monsters.

I coughed up more blood as I slowly pulled out the sword currently lodged in my stomach.

"Alan" I cry out seeing him begining to slow down.

I quickly rip the sword out groaning from the pain as more blood spilled out of my mouth.

'Im sorry rey' I thought as I picked up my rapiers. That's when I noticed it. Rey was here, sourrounded by ash things helping out Alan.

"So it really was you" I say with a bloody smirk "well, this one's for you" I run towards the necromancer and swing my rapiers, but he side steps me.

I stumble forward for a second then face plant.

He slowly starts walking over to his sword tut-tutting the whole way.

"Don't you know, you should just be a good little boy and die" he laughed maniacally. I was back up by the time he grabbed his sword.

"Maybe I should have them kill the girl, huh, that would be fun now wouldn't it" he said with a suggestive smirk.

Anger flared up inside of me and launched me forward. All of my attacks fuelled by the same anger.

He laughed as he easily blocked all of my attacks. I jabbed the marble rapier forward into his blade.

I loud clank sounded followed by an ear bleeding crack. And with that my rapier poofed away.

The force of the stab staggered the necromancer and his eyes widened as he realised what was coming.

With all my force I sliced my lava rapier across his chest, ripping it open, melting the flesh and breaking bone with a shrewd crack.

The man screamed in pain and fell to the floor. He held that pained face as the life slowly faded from his eyes.

I walked over to the red short sword, summoning a bag and putting it inside. My vision slowly started to blur and fade as I looked to the battlefield.

The place was covered in ash and you couldn't see more than two feet in front of you.

My mind drifted to Rey as my vision went black and i fell backwards, death quickly taking over.

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