chapter- 4

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5 years later

"Happy twentieth birthday" Alan says handing me a beer. I pop it open and take a drink.

"I can't believe I finally mastered my skills" I sigh running my hand through my hair.

"You haven't mastered them yet, when you have two elements you can combine them and make a third" he says taking another drink "but first we have to wait for that ability to show its self".

"For now we have a job to do" he says sitting the beer on the table "there's a conjurer summoning dead people and terrorizing the town, where headed to Kansas, and your driving".

1 elevator ride later

We exit the elevator to the 30,000 acre parking garage. Pulling out my keys I click a button and my car starts up and heads towards us.

We climb into the black tricked out egoist and pull out of the parking garage.

Hours later

"So how's you and Rey going" Alan ask with a smirk. "We're just friends, asshole, and that's all where ever gonna be" I retort back.

" 'just friends' huh I thought you liked her, wait, are you jealous of Adrian, he has been mackin on her pretty hard" he says trying to push my buttons.

"I'm not jealous of him, I just wanna kick his arrogant ass" I state matter of factly. "Whatever I'm going to sleep, try not to swerve to much" he jokes as he lays back and closes his eyes.

As soon as he falls asleep I slam on the brakes throughout him into the dash. "Learn how to put on a seatbelt" I say laughing uncontrollably.

The next day
Motel 8, witchita Kansas

My eyes burn from the sun light seeping in from the window, I look around but Alan is nowhere to be found.

I've already been on a couple missions with him so I'm use to waking up to him gone.

I reach over for my phone and click it on. Only one thing pops up on the screen. A message from Rey.

'Good luck on your first mission, and stay safe' it was from 3 months ago when I first went on a mission. It was also the day Adrian became a part of MAM.

He has been around her every chance he gets. Especially when I'm gone.

I slide my phone in my pocket and get ready to go and get me something to eat when suddenly my door is kicked in.

This gruesome man that was half skeleton stood in the door way. My immediate reaction was to dive behind the bed.

He walks in pulling a pipe from behind him and smashing one of the chairs with it. I touch my left hand to the ground a seal appearing underneath it.

Another seal forms above his head and large spikes of stone appear ripping through his body and breaking some of his visible bones.

The forced light in his eyes quickly leaves and he busts into a huge pile of dust.

At the same time Alan walks through and is coated with it. I can't help but laugh, and fall on floor in need of oxygen.

He throws the bag of burgers at me and heads to the bathroom. I'm still rolling around in the floor, my face blue from the lack of oxygen.

By the time he gets back I've already scarfed down mine and his portion of the food, drank all the soda in the fridge, and flipped through every channel, I know some great accomplishments.

We head to pick up on a lead that Alan got and I've got to say it's a pretty nice day, just the right amount of sun and clouds.

Plus the car ride isnt far consider we got the closest hotel to the cemetery.

"So Alan how long do you think until we find him" I question pushing the seat back. "And how come you get to drive".

"It will probably be later tonight, and I get to drive because your dumb ass don't know where were going" he replies.

"Fair point" I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Now listen" he says getting a little more serious "there are probably gonna be alot of undead here so be on guard".

As we pull into the parking lot I notice how many undead there really are. There's atleast a thousand of them and that's just outside.

"This is definitely the place" I mutter to myself.

So how are you guys liking the story so far, yes I know it's probably been boring but the next chapter is gonna be totally action packed.

Hope you enjoy.

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