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Felix was driving and he wasn't too far from home. Until he stopped. He slammed the brakes in force of his own thoughts. You should be nice, Felix. Don't be that guy, he thought. Felix huffed out cold air and clenched his steering wheel. Felix turned his car around, and headed back to the park. He pressed on the gas roughly, speeding down the street. He pulled into the south entrance of the park and yanked his keys out of the ignition. Rushing out and slamming the car door, he rubbed his hands together to keep warm. He locked his car quickly and sprinted in the direction of where he had last seen the hat. The cold pounded him strong, but he couldn't stop running. As if he was being pulled my a rope to his destination.

Jack fumbled with his keys to unlock his car. He furred his brows in confusion. He slowly placed his keys in his coat pocket. He turned in the direction that his hat was. Maybe I do need it...? It is pretty cold... He took a small step forwards. No. I don't need it. He took out his keys and paused. Jack sighed and shoved it back in his pocket. He started walking towards the direction of the hat. Jack didn't exactly want to go get the hat, but for some reason he did anyways. He marched towards the hat, not stopping.

Felix's P.O.V

My running stopped from tiredness. The cold making a large affect on me. I cold wind blew strongly against me. Turn back, turn back, my mind told me. But on the other hand, a small part of myself kept on pushing. I trotted through the thick and heavy snow, clenching myself for warmth. My heart ran at an alarming rate as I got closer to the hat's destination. It has probably blown away by now... I breathe heavily and I see my cold air in front of me. Every part of me is freezing, and I'm ready to go back. Yet, I continue to step slowly through this weather to get him his hat.

I-I see it...! I think when I see a small black hat up ahead. I begin to walk faster. But something else catches my interest other than the hat. The world around me is dark, other than the street light that glooms above me. I stop in my tracks. Underneath a further away street lamp I see a figure. Directly across from me, but a ways away. It stops walking as well. I blink a few times. I can just barely make out the figure's features.
"F-Felix...?" It calls.
A large smile forms my face. I start running towards Jack, and he runs towards me as well. He is a large ways away, but no matter how struggling it is, I'm sprinting over to Jack. He sprints after me as well. The world around us gets darker as the light of the street lights fade away. I'm just about to reach Jack.

We collide into a hug when we reach each other. The hat lays on the ground between our feet. So many smiles and laughs are shared. I feel tears in my eyes when I see his bright face. He brushes a strand of hair out of my face. Jack kisses my tears away softly.
"It's okay... Please don't cry..." He says through tears as well.
Jack places his hands on my shoulders for me to hold still. I shake in cold and shock. He places his right hand on my cheek and continues to kiss away my tears.
"I-It can't be... I-I'm so happy t-to see you..."
He doesn't say a word. I'm filled with pure joy. This can't be happening.. This is impossible... Jack separated his lips from my cheeks and looked into my eyes. His eyes a watery blue, I've missed them dearly. I place my left hand on his cheek and lean in for a kiss. Jack accepts my kiss. It feels, amazing. I didn't really think of Jack this way. But now I know. Now I know that he is someone I want to be with for as long as I can. Jack lets go of our kiss, my eyes open slowly. I sniffle and smile softly at him.
"I'm so sorry..." Jack's voice cracks as if he is about to explode from emotions.
"You have nothing to apologize for.. This is all me..."
Jack started to cry, "I-I completely overreacted.. I shut you out a-and didn't even talk to you j-just because you rejected me... I'm sorry I got you s-so worried.."
"Jack it's nothing.. Please don't worry about it. I rejected you way too hard. I ruined you, I destroyed the happy little Irish man I have always loved."
I went in to kiss Jack again. I let go, and grabbed his hat off the ground.
"You want this?" I chuckled as I wiped away tears.
Jack nodded and I embraced him tightly. I heard him sniffle a few times, but I didn't let go. It seems like the heavy wind, the freezing cold, and the thick falling snow has stopped around us.
"I love you. I didn't even know it, I left you in the dust, for absolutely no reason. I'm sorry for that."
Jack let go of me, "You drive me crazy."
I chuckled, "Good."
Jack grabbed my hand softly. I clenched it and began to walk back to my car. I assumed Jack was just going to walk me to my car, then he'll drive himself home.
We walked. All the struggles, the bitter cold, the heavy wind, had stopped. Everything was calm, and quiet. I looked over at Jack as we walked. We didn't speak, just shared looks. I am so thankful to be seeing him again, his happy little face, his warm company. He may be just the best neighbour I've ever had. The best neighbour I'll always have.
Jack kissed my cheek. I smiled softly. I could get used to this..

-A Year Later-

Jack's P.O.V

I stepped outside into the beautiful outdoors. Bright green grass, shining sun, blooming flowers. I walked off of my front porch and over into my backyard to check on how my plants are growing. The birds chirp around me. When I enter my backyard, I see a very familiar face next door.
"Hey there handsome!" He calls.
I chuckle, slightly embarrassed, "Do ya really have to shout that out loud? What if the neighbours here you?"
"You know you love it."
I rolled my eyes and walked over to pick up my watering can. I bent over and picked it up, ready to go fill it with water. I hear a whistle out of nowhere. I turn around quickly, my face completely red. Felix is resting on my fence in his yard, with that stupid smirk on his face.
"Nice ass~."
"Felix..." I growl.
He motions for me to come up to him. I listen and stand face to face on the other side of the fence. He kisses me lightly.
"Thank you."
"No prob." Felix adds in, "I love you."
"Love ya too."

Thank goodness for that hat of mine. I don't know what it was that brought us together but, damn am I thankful for it.
I don't know where I would have been now if that night never happened.

White and Pink // JelixWhere stories live. Discover now