Channel 4

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Tit waz the Eev off Isster and their was an feast in tha extravagant dining room. 

"swo wots the plane?" asc'd Deni.

"Plan iz simpel, wee get two das terrific vestibule erlie to gayj wear we will poot the rezerv'd sinez 4 Poszr and hiz frens" I spoked wickedly.

Mi plan wet lick thiss:

1. Erly 2 horl

2. Place resrvashun signs

3. poor droop off poshun intwo pozaz goblin and tink of doritos

4. wayt four hem too tern into dorios

Arfter I telling mi plan t Daeny we set of to werq hunty. We had to snuck pasta Mr. Belch and hiz eevil kat Mis arnderess on tha way bc thay wer beeing fuqaz and garding. we Had an inviziblitity clock so we did good...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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