Settling In

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[The wind is clashing against the old, cracked windows. Tree branches are scratching together and sound like sharp nails on concrete. Nessa is arriving in her new room, with the strange boy carrying her bags.]


I trampled up the stairs, following the tall figure. Examining the rooms, I saw a tinted blue bedroom with white bookshelves across the walls. I also saw a dimmed gray room with an old mattress shoved neatly into the corner. Then there was the master bedroom, or what looked like an old walk in closet. The room was small, but more lively then the rest.

"I'm assuming this is your room?" The guy asked, directing towards the blue room.

"To be honest, I have no idea, but I'm sure if it's not I'll figure it out later." I spoke, trying not to sound at all terrified of my new surroundings.

"I'm Jake by the way." He stuck out his hand which was covered in red cuts and dry, cracked mud.

I took my hands out of the pockets of my navy sweatshirt. "Vanessa, but I usually go by Nessa," I stated.

He set my luggage on my bed. "I guess I'll see you around sometime, Vanes-" he paused for a slight moment. "Nessa. I'll see you around, Nessa." He trampled down the stairs, then flew out the door to meet his dad, who was now in long conversation with my parents.

I stared out the window and dreaded what was coming next. The first day at a new school with new people and our new lives. At least I would know one person there: Jake.

[Author's Note]:
Thank you guys so much for the positive comments and feedback I've gotten so far! I'm so excited to keep on writing this story. It's really weird how excited I am to write this considering the fact that I usually hate writing. I guess that I'm writing about something I really love is what makes this so much fun. I have so many good ideas for future parts, and I know this is going by slow, but after I get into the story it might speed up more. Be on the look out for future chapters! Love you all
-MerrellTwinFann (the one and only)

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