Rain, rain

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[It was a sunny day. The light beamed down on the brick school.]


I planned to confront him and find out what his problem was, but he never showed up.

-The Next Day-

The day after that he still wasn't there.

The news was on the TV in the hallway at school. The hurrying lady spoke "another animal attack has occurred in the Bloomington area. A man was viciously attacked and has been proclaimed dead."

Even the day after that he still wasn't here.

Something was wrong... and everyone in his family seemed to be acting strange.

[Rain poured down over students heads. Umbrellas were carried away by the wind and ended up in ditches near the quiet school.]

Finally, he showed up.

I glanced at his warm eyes as I took the seat next to him in physics. Just as I was about to take my anger out on him, he spoke.

"Hey," he said kindly, as if we had just met. "Sorry I never got to introduce myself before."

I stared at him, confused at why he wasn't mad at me anymore.

"I'm Collins Key," he stated calmly, "and you're Veronica?" He asked, even though he seemed to already know the answer.

"Yeah," I said, not knowing what else to say.

The teacher interrupted our conversation when the bell rang.

"Today we will study Newton's Laws of Physics," He handed everyone a worksheet. "You will work on this with your partner and complete the assignment by the end of the class.

I slowly wrote my name and glanced over at Collins. He was staring at me. I could feel my face turn red while I quickly turned back to my paper.

"You were gone," I spoke, not knowing how he might respond.

"Yeah, I had something I had to take care of out of town," he paused for a few seconds, but what felt like forever. "Personal reasons."

I quickly tried to change the subject and said the answer to number 1 on the assignment. He looked over and responded with a simple "yeah".

We sat for a moment in complete silence. The rain pounded against the glass windows.

"Are you enjoying the rain?" He asked.

I was confused. Why was he asking me this when the other day he never wanted to even see me again after the first class we had together. "Are you asking me about the weather?"

"Yeah," Collins spoke quietly, also surprised at what he was saying, "I guess I am."

"I hate the rain," I looked back down at the thick paper that only had a few strides of graphite on it.

He looked confused. "If you hate the rain so much why did you move to the wettest place in the US?"

I didn't know how to respond. I wanted to scream everything that's happened in my lifetime, but my mouth couldn't form the words. "It's," I paused a moment, "complicated."

"I'm sure I can keep up," he replied, eager to hear the answer.

I explained why I moved here, but didn't give much detail. The rest of the class we sat quietly, sharing answers every once in a while.


The sound of the bell saved me from another awkward second of sitting there in silence. I got up and walked into the hall, Collins followed.

To be continued...

[Author's Note]:
So I hope you guys enjoyed that part. Sorry I haven't been posting lately, I've just been really busy with school stuff and other things like that. I will try my best to keep updating, hopefully I won't forget. I tried to make this part a little longer than they normally are, but it's still kinda short. Feel free to comment suggestions or feedback on this chapter or message me on Twitter @MerrellTwinFann
Thank you so much for all the positivity I've been getting on my story so far! Love you all

Twinlight- Merrell TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now