Jerk - Reggie

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Requested: By -schistad

Just pretend your name is Lorain lol.


Lorain stood in front of her locker punching in the code while having a mini debate with herself on which class she had next, History? Maths?, yeah definitely maths. She continued this process until she heard a, deep, familiar voice booming from behind her. She whipped her head around and came face to face with the one and only Reggie Mantle.

Reggie and Lorain had been Dating for a good 6 months now, and Lorain couldn't be any happier. The only thing that bothered her was that when they were at school Reggie would always try and act cool around his friends and be really flirty, but when with Lorain, alone, he was a totally different person. It was almost as if he had a spilt personality.

"Hey Lorain!" He greeted her, slowly beginning to edge closer to his girlfriend. "Hey Reggie" she replied happy to see her boyfriend, maybe even happier if he wasn't accompanied by his goon squad that is. "You're looking good today" Reggie said in a flirtatious tone before edging closer to Lorain.

Reggie closed the little distance there was between him and the shorter girl by leaning down then giving her a quick kiss, seconds later he rose back up into his normal, intimidating, stance. The cheers of Reggie's friends could be heard as soon as Reggie pulled away, "Get it Reggie!", "Someone's getting laid tonight!" Were only a few of the disturbing comments that were passed around.

Lorain rolled her eyes while slamming her locker shut and finally began walking to class, away from those Jerks.

Reggie wanted to follow her, make sure she was ok but he was too busy being swarmed by good comments and pats on his back for him to even try...

Lorain really questioned Reggie's poor choice of friends sometimes, they were clearly a bad influence on him and didn't seem like nice guys. Maybe it was just for popularity right? Ever since he started to hang out with them he got a reputation as 'the lead jock' maybe it wasn't by choice.


When the bell finally rung, signalling the end of the day, Lorain rushed outside just in time to not get crushed by the hallways 'rush hour' and began to walk down a pair of concrete steps that lead of out school premisis.

She began walking home when she heard a familiar voice come from behind her, "Hey Lorain wait up!" Reggie came running over to Lorain panting quietly. "I thought I'd walk you home" He finally said, "Sure" was all Lorain answered before beginning to walk again.

She was still quite annoyed about what had happened earlier, and it's not like it never happened before, oh no, but normally he would come apologise but this time he didn't.

Reggie slid his fingers in between Lorain's and walked alongside his girlfriend; he loved that he could call Lorain that, he might not show it but she means the world to him. They walked in silence for a while until Reggie began talking about his second love, football- his first being Lorain.

"So we've got another game on friday, you should come and watch me beat their asses" Reggie spoke with confidence laced in his voice. He slowed down slightly while positioning his arm on Lorain's shoulders and kissed the side of her head.

Just like that Lorain was back under Reggie's spell, she couldn't help but melt in his grip and push away all the distorted feelings she had for him earlier, all annoyance now replaced with happiness.

As Reggie stared at his girlfriend admiring her features he came to a sudden stop making Lorain jolt a little. He held her hands in his and stared into her eyes, "I'm really sorry for earlier, those guys really can be assholes sometimes-" he took a deep breath and stared at Lorain with desire, lust, Love... -"What would I do without you?-" he shook his head slightly "-I love you so much" Reggie moved closer to Lorain and kissed her forehead before resting his chin above her head while embracing her in a warm hug. Lorain smiled at Reggie's affection and hugged him back, harder.

All bad thoughts from earlier were completely washed away, she sighed in contempt and whispered...
"I love you too Reggie"


A/N - Thanks for reading! Hope it was what you wanted Lorain ;) Sorry it took awhile to post, no excuse needed.


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