Bookstore - Jughead (pt.2)

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Finally part 2.

You stood impatiently at the counter of your parents bookstore, it was 5pm, the time that Jughead would normally come in the store and buy a book. 15 minutes and he still wasn't there, you dropped your hand onto the counter and let a sigh escape your lips.

It had been just over a week since Jughead stopped coming to your store, or anywhere for that matter. Sometimes your would see him outside the bookstore, crossing paths or seeing each other on the street but now he had disappeared completely.

After another hour or so it was time for you to end your shift. You got the keys and made your way to the door locking it. Giving the handle one more jiggle to make sure it was locked, you began your journey home.

As you were walking you kept your head down, finding the ground more fastincating than your surroundings. Just as you moved to turn a corner your body collided with another, due to the force and lack of attention you landed on the floor with a thud. As you lifted your head to appologise you were met by a familiar pair of eyes. Jughead.

"I'm really sorry," He said giving you his hand to grab, you took up his offer and grabbed his hand allowing him to pull you off the ground. You swept the dirt off your coat and straightened it out before metting his eyes once more, giving you time to really process the situatuion. "Jughead?" You questioned, hope evident in your voice. He furrowed his eyebrows as you said his name as if foreign to him, "Jug-what?" He replied. "Your name... Jughead," You repeated slowly. "I'm not so sure what a Jughead is" He said cocking his head, just as you were about to reply her glanced down at his watch. "Sorry but I need to go," He sputtered quickly before running down the street.

You turned and watch as he got smaller and smaller. What just happened?

As you laid in your double bed you processed everything that happened earlier. He said he didn't know a Jughead which was confusuing. You tried to remember his appearence and remembered that he looked different, normally he would be wearing that grey beanie and casual clothes but today he had this weird jacket on and jeans.

Deciding you had been overthinking this for too long you turned the lamp next to your bed and drifted off into a deep slumber.


After waking up you decided to go in a walk, deciding it was a good idea you walked through the park, it was all normal before you caught a certain brunette in your vision. Sat on a bench was Jughead, he had a little girl with him and had a wad of cash sticking out his pocket. Out of curiosity you made your way over to him. You sat on the bench next no him, the girl in the other side.

He turned his head, eyes wide widening slightly at noticing your presence, you raised an eyebrow and he seemed to get the idea because he sent the girl to go play.

"Care to explain?" You asked signaling the cash sticking out of his pocket and his appearance. "I was made to" He mumbled, avoiding eye contact findings and interest in his fingers. "Made to do what?" You asked clueless,  he sighed before replying, "The serpents, they're making steal cash in return to meet my sister" you nodded your head slightly processing what he said. His sister, that's who the girl is.

"I'm sorry I've been avoiding you I just didn't want you to know about this" he said finally meeting your eyes. "It's ok Juggy" You said embracing him in a hug. "I'm going to leave, get Jellybean and I to my dads and leave the serpents," he said confidently.

And that he did. Just days after you saw the one and only Jughead Jones walking into the bookstore, beanie equips and money in his hand.

He quickly picked up a book and laid in on the counter, "6 dollars" You said holding out your hand, he placed $10 in your hand before leaning over and whispering in your ear, "Keep the change." You smiled and before you knew it your lips were on his...

lol I didn't know where this was going I kinda winged it. I apologize if it's bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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