Bookstore - Jughead

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A bookstore.

That is where you worked. And no, it wasn't a popular bookstore the type that always had people strolling through the aisles studying the books, it was the type of store that looked as if it had been out of business for years, and well, it may as well have been.

So if this store was so bad then why did you work in it? Well it was more of a family business that your parents forced you into. Although it was hard to admit the pay was decent, mostly because of your parents' gratitude. However it isn't like the pay actually came from the stores profit, more like the night jobs they had when not doing something related to the store.

As guessed the store rarely got customers, so when a boy walked into the store with an ambitious look on his face you jolted from your leaning stance on the counter and placed your phone in your pocket. In the last week that you had been working only 18 people had came to the store, and only out of the 18 people did 13 actually purchased something.

You watched closely as the boy looked around the store clearly in search for a certain book. He ran his finger down the spines of the books scanning the titles looking for his desired book. He soon came to a stop and pulled a book from out of its place and walked over to the counter.

He dropped the book onto the counter adjusting his beanie.'The Book Theif'  You read as you checked the price of the book, "7 dollars please" You said as you watched him dive into his pocket for some money. "That's a great book by the way" You said taking the 10 dollar bill from the boy. You went to get the 3 dollars changed but he grabbed your wrist stopping you, "Keep the change" he simpily said before leaving the store.

Weird boy, you thought to yourself before grabbing your phone once more.


Ever since that day the boy came back, got another book from the shelf and paid for it, everytime saying "Keep the change."

Over the time he had been coming to the store you found the two of you having little exchanges, jokes, talks, you even learned he went by the name 'Jughead'.

But that lasted for only 3 weeks because after that you never saw Jughead at the store again. You never saw him in the streets, you assumed he went to your school but that was wrong again. It was like Jughead never existed.

Where did he go?



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