The Glitch and The Virus

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Well okay I guess I'd better warn ya.
Lots of fuckin curse words.
3rd person specific (BEN)

He was stalking some new victim. It didn't matter who, as it never did. He hadn't done much to them yet. Just small things, closing out tabs, playing music, just to see how superstitious or paranoid they may be. Unfortunately, they seemed accustomed to his actions. It bothered him how nonchalant they seemed. It was as if they'd already dealt with things he'd done.

What was it? Was there a virus on their computer already that fucked with their files? Old computers like theirs tended to catch bugs easily.
But to act so calm? It didn't make sense. Plus, he'd checked, and if there were a virus, it was a damn good one. One he couldn't find... But that didn't matter. Not right now.

The week had been a slow one, an annoying one as well. Questions swirled angrily in his head while he went through what seemed like miles of binary code to get to his victims computer. 

Their obnoxiously loud music made his hair stand on end. He made the music cut off and the person turned. He noticed, little that it mattered, that this person was male. The man walked over and looked angry as he went antivirus program?

"Ha...that won't work on me, dumbass." he mumbled lowly.

"Idiot. He thinks it'll work on me." a feminine and glitchy voice said behind him.

He spun around, surprised. There was a (short/tall/whatever) girl standing with her arms crossed. Her feet floated minorly from what could be called the ground when you're inside the code of a computer. Her body glitched in random places as she materialized more, her shoulders showing up as well as the tips of her hair.
She was clearly a virus.

"What the hell? So you're the reason this person isn't reacting!" he said, confusion and anger mixing. "Reacting? What, to a little computer bug who wants mess with some files? Please. Go back to your spam email or whatever you came from. This one's for the big kids."

He was astonished. Who did she think she was!

"(Y/n). I'm a virus created by a 'company' if you want to call it that. The people who made me get paid to find information on any person with a digital footprint. This guy is just another target. Think deep web and you'll understand more about what I am supposed to 'help' find. " She shifted her weight onto one foot now that she was touching the 'ground'.

He stared in astonishment and awe. He didn't know how to process that some girl- a virus at that - was telling him to go back to a fucking spam email. As though he were not a killer!

That pissed him off unimaginably.

"Uh helloooo?? I've told you my name. What's yours? Don't tell me that you don't have one! Maybe you searched the internet, found some name you liked? My name used to be something like...Test Virus or something. But I like the name I found. Oh look at me rambling. What's your name?"

He came to his senses and muttered out "My name's BEN." angrily. She seemed confused as to why she would have angered him.
"Well is that all?" she said, confused.
"I mean...wait a minute, BEN? Like, BEN drowned?"
He stepped back for a second, as she had gotten closer than comfortable. He confirmed that yes, he was BEN, and asked how she knew of him.

"This guy really likes these scary stories called... Like creepypasta, I guess. He read about you...maybe a month ago. So you're not just some bug? That's cool I guess. I mean, yeah it's cool of course but like-" he stopped her by raising a hand. By now he'd figured out her tendency to ramble. He noticed how her posture had changed. At first she was stiff and straight-backed, looking at him as though he were her underling. Now she was relaxed, looking at him as, what He guessed, to be an equal in Her eyes.

"Uh. Well what now?" he inquired. He probably couldn't kill this person because of the people who we're after him. Whatever this guy did he would get back ten times worse from them, so there wasn't really a point. Although, it may be interesting to watch...

He was brought back to reality by the sound of knocking from the man's door. It must have been loud for even BEN to hear it loud and clear, as the outside was muffled inside the screen.

(Y/n) smirked and said, "Looks like I've done my job. This guys a goner."
He turned to see the door open and the guy gone. Looks like seeing the end of his days was out of the question for BEN. He realized a small truth.
"What's gonna happen to you?" he said cautiously. Her job was done, right? Would she just disappear?

"You said Test Virus? So your just a test? What's going to happen to you now?"
She looked saddened at the thought of what was next. She kept her eyes down and explained "Well since they want results faster... I guess I'll be deleted and rebuilt. It took me a month just to find him. I don't think they liked the wait. So I guess I'm-" she realized what all that meant for her.
"I-I'm gonna die." she shakily sputtered out.
He frowned. He didn't know this girl, but he didn't want her dead. Well, he wanted everyone he met dead. He was a killer. But he never had met a virus. What if he never saw another one?

He would argue until the end of his days that interest alone is what saved Her.

"No you're not. " he said, rolling his eyes.
Interest. Curiosity.
"Come back with me. I'm sure the...'family'... Would love to meet you. "

He held out his hand, looking away from her to hide his red face.
Curiosity. Loneline-
He stopped himself.
Only he hadn't had time to rethink. She'd grabbed his hand and stated in a proud voice,

"I want to live. As long as you help me with that, I'll follow you. "

He didn't know what He felt when she said that. He would later try to think of a word for it, but no word would come to mind that quite pinned down the jump his chest made.

When they left the computer and entered the house, that was the beginning of many adventures.

Adventures you must think of.

This one is much longer than I expected. Over one thousand words! I do hope you enjoyed it!

Well I guess I'll update soon. But in the meantime,

This Artist Loves Ya~!

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