Chapter 26 - Merlock (Mermaidlock) - Part 5

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A/N. I have returned from the dead! Here is the next chapter for you guys. Thank you so so so much for 622 reads aswell as 12 votes! Love you guys! ~ C

Chapter 26

Merlock (Mermaidlock) - Part  5

When they got home, John's parents found him asleep on the kitchen floor. He cheeks were wet and his eyes were red.

"John, honey?" His mother gently stroked his cheek to wake him up. The boy was startled but soon calmed when he saw both his parent crouched next to him.

"What happened?" Asked John's father.

John stayed silent for a momment. "Harry came home..." He sniffled.

"Where is she now?" Comforted his mother.

"I chased her away..." John began to cry again at the thought. Why had he done that?! He should have welcomed her home and said how much he had missed her!

"You did what?!" He father boomed making John shuffle back in fear.

John's father stood up and so did his mother.

"Calm down Harold!" She urged the much taller male.

"Move Helen!" He roared. "That boy scared away Hariet! She could be gone for good now!"

"That boy is our son!" She shouted in responce.

John shuffled into the corner and watched as his parents began to throw slaps and punches. It was hard to see who was winning through his teary eyes.

Suddnly he got up and ran out of the kitchen. He grabbed his backpack from by the door and ran away. He just wanted to escape from it all! He didn't want it to be his fault if Harry never came back, he just wanted a family again...

He ran to his thinking place. The cove. He hurried into the cave and snuggled into the corner. The water looked pale and cold under the fading light outside. It no longer shone one the cave walls, makung the wet stone blank and uninviting.

He sobbed and he gripped the small pink shelly around his neck. It was a happy memory and he just wanted his Sherlock.

"Sherlock?" John snuffled. He hoped that the merman would ne waiting for him but it was very unlikely. As he expected there came no reply.

He took a deep breath and sighed before letting out a great sob. His eyes flooded with tears and shook with every sound he made.

"Excuse me?" A voice rang through the alcove. John looked up to see a merman. It wasn't Sherlock though.

The male had a tail similar to Sherlock's but it was smaller and green. His fins were shorted and somewhat scared too. He had a dark hair and shiney hazle eyes.

"Hi..." John mummbled.

"Did you call for Sherlock?" The Irish accented merman purred.

"Y-yeah. Why?" John could feel his heart racing.

"I can take you to him."

"But I can't breath under water."

"That won't be a problem." Grinned the mystery merman. John leant forward to inspect this obviously older merman.

"Who are you?" He questioned.

"My name is James Moriarty. Please just call me Jim though sweetie." He chuckled. This merman was making John very uncomfortable.

"Ok...?" John coughed nervously. "So how am I going to be able to breathe under water?"

"C'mere..." James whispered seductivley. John shuffled forward cautously and so did James.

"Will it hurt?" John whispered.

"Not if you stay still..." John clised his eyes tight and tenced. James leaned forward and presses his lips on John's.

The blonde human juppped back in shock.

"I told you to stay still idiot." James sighed.

John whinned and leaned forwards again. James leaned forward and began to kiss John passionatly. John had no choice but to tollerate the frisky mermans antics.

James grabbed John arm and pulled him down. John quealed as he almost fell into the water. James lunged forward and bit down hard on John's neck. John gasped and he felt the sting.

James slowly sank back into the water, a sly grin on his face. John looked around as he began to feel dizy. He rolled onto his back and stared at the stone of the cave.

He blinked hard and coughed. His whole body tingled and his stomach felt like it was doing gymnastics. John covered his face with his hands to try and stop the wave of nausis that was drowning him.

With out warning, he felt the cold water of the rock pool engulf him. James had hold of his shoulders and held him under water. John struggled but it was no use.

"John, seriously. Calm down, Jesus..." James huffed. John spun around and looked at the brown eyes merman. Then he looked down. His legs were gone, in their place was a beautiful firey red tail. John had fins on his arms and ears just like Sherlock and James. He was breathing under water!

John smiled and clapped excitedly like a child.

"Let's go and show Sherlock!" He giggled.

"Hang on there buddy. You probably can't even swim proporly yet." James made a sort of wonkey smile. It was like the face you make on texts using the collon and slash. It was actually quite amusing.

John face plamed and flapped his arms slightly. Why couldn't James just help him. It would be much quicker.

"Come with me." James Moriarty leapt out of the water and out of the cave. John followed. He dove into the sea and dragged John with him.

The sea was a deep blue, there were rocks and fish. Crabs and snails. Old boots, spades and God knows what else!

The firey tailed merman flicked hus tail and twirled in the water. This was quite fanominal.

"You're a natural!" Aplauded James. John pretended to bow. They both laughed.

As John practiced his tricks and turns Jim turned his back. He crossed his arms and tapped his fingers. John was a better swimmer that he had hoped. That could be a problem. No worries. He'll figure something out. After all, his vemon would wear out eventually and the boy would drown.

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