Part 7 - Icarus

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Unknown Location - Unknown Time - Her POV

You: Thank you for the information. He will return to us with little resistance, he has not unlocked his true power yet so he should be an easy target. Send 2 Elite Sections* to get him and bring him to me. It's been a while since I sent time with [y/n].

A/N - A section is a group of 8 infantrymen, so 16 are coming after you.

Servant: Yes my Liege, I shall dispatch Vengeance and Midnight.

The Servant leaves the room.

You: Ahh, [y/n]. Its been too long.

Issei's House - 0800 - You POV

You wake up to, your surprise, alone. You get dressed and go downstairs to find Issei in the kitchen.

Issei: You've not seen Rias and Akeno, have you?

You: They slept over at the clubhouse

Issei: Fair enough. Got any plans for today?

You: Well, as I can't get badass devil wings and as I'm kind of susceptible to dying, Rias has allowed me to build my own armour with wings.

Issei: Seems like a good idea, but how will you power it?

You: I could try and send flames through my feet.

Issei: That seems pretty good. Can't think of any problems, apart from locating the materials.

You: All that means is that is that me and you have to go on a majestic journey of epic proportions to find these ever-so important materials and equipment to build such a masterpiece of modern engineering!

Issei: You're getting really hyped up about this, aren't you?

You: I've even got a montage playlist ready for use, so yes I am.

Well then, lets get going!

You and Issei head off to various DIY shops around the city, with you overly enthusiastically singing along to some of the songs.

Akeno's POV

You: (Yawns) Wait why are we here?

Rias: Erm, I think it was [y/n] and his talk on planes and his armour.

You: That'll be why they are going into town at a rapid pace

Rias: Shit! The armour thing was a joke. He can't be serious!

You: Just let them be, lets see what happens.

Rias: Fine, but I'll send my familiar to tail them.

She releases the little bat and it flies out the window. Rias looks out the same window, almost in some kind of trance.

You: (Walks over to Rias) You okay there?

Rias: I don't know, Akeno. I feel like something's not right.

You: How so?

Rias: It's just how did he not know about his powers for so long and then he happens to come here , out of all places, and finds us?

You: Maybe he's hiding something, but when we first captured him, he knew nothing.

Rias: It could just me, worrying over our little Dante.

You: Well, my little Dante. Mine. Not ours. For me.

Rias: Yes, I know, but I didn't mind when we teamed up

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