Chapter 3 - Mommy Dearest

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The next day I met Melinda at our favorite lunch spot in the city . It was a cool sunny day with the usual hustle and bustle of New York in the background . My mood instantly brighten when I saw my best friend

" Took you long enough brat "

Melinda had a way of making me feel like her little sister even tho we were the same age . She always been over protective of me ever since we were little. Although I was perfectly capable of taking care of myself it was nice to know that someone always had my back

" I know the taxi driver took the long route so he could get the most money out of me " in typical taxi New York fashion

" what happen to your car " she said waving over a waiter

" it broke down I'm suppose to pick it up from my moms place today"

We placed our orders and she told me about the way Kevin proposed to her in front of a restaurant full of people. Everyone clapped and cheered after she said yes some even cried. Then he carried her out in a dramatic fashion .

I reached for a breadstick on the table . Melinda grabbed it away

" no bread " I rolled my eyes

" why not " Melinda always had a new food she was crossing off her list after the news deemed it " dangerous leafy green" or " the new meat that causes cancer symptoms " .

" with a wedding approaching we have to looks wonderful in our dresses so where going on bridal lockdown "

I looked at her like she grown two heads .

" I'm creating a work out plan for all the girls and a diet filled with nutrition "

Now I was looking at her like she had three heads she was on a roll.

" and besides the maid of honer gets to wear a dress of her choosing Corey won't be able to keep his hands off you "

I rolled my eyes at the sound of his name

" me and Corey broke up yesterday ... More like he dumped me "

" What that bastard ! " good to see Melinda and my mother didn't fall far from the same tree .

" it's not a big deal I just wish I saw the signs "

Melinda slide the breadsticks and packets of butter back to me

" here you've earned this screw him he was ugly anyways "

We both laughed and talk about the usual wedding colors and seating charts. After lunch I headed to my parents home in Mill Basin .

My mother open the door and kiss me all over my face The way she always did she she saw me

" you look pale have you been eating " she touched my cheeks and mustard the most dramatic face as if she seen a Skelton " come eat "

" mom I just had lunch with Melinda she getting married "

" oh that's wonderful ! I have to call her mom I kinda wish she hit it off with one of your brothers"

" I wouldn't wish that on medusa "

Besides the eldest none of my brothers were married . When we were younger multiple women use to come threw the house often trying to befriend me so they could stay close to my brothers little did that know they were just one of many .

" I hope they settle down soon I want more grand babies "

I grabbed an apple off the table and bit into it . My mother was watching and smiling at me . Her salt and pepper hair was comb to perfection she had on the perfect lavender dress on that complimented her deep golden skin . Her eyes were kind .And her smile was a mystery. She was up to something I knew that look all too well.

" What did you do mom "

" what ever do you mean Stacy " she was bluffing .

Thoughts began to run threw my head when the door bell rang and she sprinted for the door. An uneasy feeling came over me . Although my mom was like a friend to me she often in mother like instinct stuck her nose where it didn't belong . I just hope this had nothing to do with Corey . I slowly inched my way to the front door where she was standing looking outside the door I stood beside her and looked to see what had her attention then I saw it . A midnight blue BMW sports car with red interior

"Mom tell me you didn't "

" I did " she squealed and ran outside

" surprise Stacy I knew you would love it " I had to admit this was a far cry from the old Audi I was driving but it was my first car and I loved it

" thank you mom you really didn't have too " I gave her a big hug

" who else am I suppose to spend all this money on besides you deserve it now let's take it for a test drive !"


As soon as I got home I ran straight for my laptop to post on my blog

" Today was a much better day then yesterday I realize that everyone who's in my life right now is suppose to be here and anyone I've lost in the past I haven't regret loosing . Although Many might think I'm being bitter I'm not . Love comes with the good the bad and the ugly . I understood that before and after my relationship .The one thing I do ask you people out there is to be honest with yourself and with your partner if something is bothering you that's Involves them tell them ! have enough respect for them to walk away from your relationship with dignity And trust that you actually had respect for there feelings

Sincerely " keep it real or keep it pushing "

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