Chapter 4 - Hot Damn

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"Your glowing did you get some last night? "

Melinda and I were in a bridal boutique looking for bridesmaids dresses. Everything in the store looked like over dresses cupcakes and she was in love .

" Oh boy don't I wish but no I'm just happy " I was smiling . 'in The Mind of' really has taken off in the last couple of weeks . It was my sanctuary where I could be myself vent and it was okay . I talked about every under the sun and wether I was judge or mostly praised for my honesty it felt good to have a voice.

" Well in that case you won't say no to my proposition " she held up a blue puffy dress in front of me and I shook my head no .

" what proposition "

" well ... Kevin best man from put of town is here and we were wondering .."

"No ! No Melinda I'm not going on a blind date "

I started to walk away and she followed behind me like a lost puppy

" But whyyyy I already told Kevin you would come " she pouted and I glared at her

" why would you do that Melinda you know I don't like blind dates and I just broke up with Corey I need time to myself "

" Corey is old news and besides this guy is hot ! If I didn't meet Kevin before him... " she licked her upper lip

She knew she had me baited

" listen it's not like your not going to be around him he's Kevin best man so you'll have to meet him eventually just think of this as a welcoming party "

" yea that nobody's invited to except me and him " I said sarcastically .

" please just do this for me and and I'll do anything you want"

" anything ?" I smiled

" yes anything you name it "

"Let's go get some Krispy cream donuts on you " she rolled her eyes

" Fine but I'm only having one ! " .


Melinda was right he was hot .

Tall Carmel skin with honey eyes full lips and a dimpled chin . It was love at first sight until...

"David this is my best friend Stacy .. Stacy this is David " I handed Melinda the bottle of whine I brought to dinner and out reach my hand towards him

"Nice you meet you " he shook my hand and his hands were surprisingly soft

Okay guys lets eat . We all walked to the table and sat down .

" is this a blind date ? " David asked rather boldly . Melinda looked like she was about to be sick . And Kevin looked fairly embarrassed . You could already see Melinda was in for a good tongue lashing when we left .

" of course not David silly ol boy "

Things were looking down from here

" As David best man and Stacy as my maid of honer we felt like it would be fitting for you guys to meet and interact"

She turn to Kevin for help but he was already chewing a piece of steak . I finally piped up

" I wanted to meet you "

Melinda knew she owed me big time .

David turned to me surprised

" You did ? "

" Yea the infamous David I heard so much about I had to meet you in person "

" So what have you heard about me "

I choked on my wine . This guy was being rather annoying but you could see the amusement on him and Kevin's face . I was over it

"Excuse me what ?"

" What infamous stuff did you hear about me"

he seductively licked some sauce from the corner of his full lip. Or maybe it was just seductive to me .

" You know a little bit of this a little bit of that " who says that anymore !although it was dated it came off cooly

" interesting "

Dinner continued on in that fashion . Melinda shot me pleading glares while I threw her menacing ones . David and Kevin carried on as if we weren't even there reminiscing about the old days and laughing at inside jokes. When it was time for dessert I made up some excuse about having to be at the office early leaving Melinda to fend for herself alone with Mary Kate and Ashley .

Once again at home I found myself at my laptop

" why do good looking guys have to be such pricks . We know you look good physically but what about inside. You walk around knowing that women are swooning over you and become so infatuated with yourself that you forget personality means a lot too . And I don't mean making jokes about yourself or boasting your own ego. Get a fuckin grip . Get out of the mirror and try being human for a change

Sincerely , I just went on the worst blind date ever

Before I could close my laptop the post already started to get hits

Loveydovey89 : I believe most good looking men are on the down low but that's just me =x

That one had me in a laughing fit

Brklynbeast : I'm a good looking man and I'm not infatuated with myself maybe he just wasn't that into you .

To which I replied

" He didn't even get my name before he started being a prick he Entitled not to like me but get to know me at first even tho I didn't care but damn "

To which he replied

Brklynbeast: it only takes us a few seconds to realize if were interested or not don't beat yourself up .

To which I then replied " fuck you have a good night "

Who did this guy think he was anyways. This was my blog but then I remembered that everyone was entitled to there own feelings and I was kinda being a bitch so I sent him a private message

" I'm sorry I took things personal . I'm an adult and I should be able to stand up to criticism wether good or bad

Sincerely , apologetic .

I went to sleep feeling more better about myself than I did in a very long time .

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