Chaper 2 - In the Mind of

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The next morning I woke up

More refresh than ever. I even hummed a little in the shower. I was working from home today since I had no car and decided to call my mom while I ate my breakfast .

" Good morning hot babe"

I spoke to my mother like she was one of my best friends because she was .

" what took you so long to call me back I was worried sick "

She says that every time I don't call her back right away

" I'm sorry I was just having a really rough day yesterday my car broke down and me and Corey broke up "

"What !" My mother tended to be more dramatic than most " Why I thought you guys were so good together "

" I did too but apparently I'm uptight and boring "

The phone was silent for a moment

" The nerve of that boy ..Oh well fuck him " and that you guys is why I loved my mother . It rolled off her tongue so effortlessly .

" it's okay mom you don't have to hate him on my behalf I'm a big girl "

" I know baby but it's really his lost and as for that car breaking down send me the information to where it's at so I can get the best mechanic on the job to fix it "

" it's okay I can take care of it "

" Stacy with your father gone and your brothers all running away from me I have nobody to take care of please let you dear old mother take care of this "

That dear old mother trick always worked on me

"Fine mom " I could feel her smiling on the other end of the phone . I gave her the information and we said our I love you's .

After I finished my breakfast it was time to get to work . My family owned an electronic company that specialized in modern technology . We made everything from coffee pots that made ice cream to security systems that captured and stored photos of anyone who entered your home .

My father Bill senior started the company and passed it down to his two eldest sons Bill jr and Carter who suddenly had a knack for traveling and decided he wanted to 'find himself '. My other brother Jonathan took care of productions and the last boy Kenneth played professional football. So that left me . Who actually wanted nothing to do with the company but under heavy persistent of my parents took the job of jr Partner . Whatever that meant .

All I knew was that one day I was a free 22 year old woman in love who wanted to be a writer who was now a single 22 year old jr partner who was about to look up numbers for one of the many store her family owned.

I open my laptop and was surprised to see that I had 32 notifications from my blog. That was interesting because I never got any traffic but I guess people could attest to what I was saying last night some of the comments read

2cute4you: I'm happy you dumped him good for you it was probably because you're successful some men can't handle a strong woman

Callmejessy : you sound bitter get checked out

To which I responded with a nice " fuck you get yourself checked out "

Lookingforher : I'm happy you kept it real in your post you right he didn't deserve you keep doing you and stay blessed

And the list went on and on some people relating some debating and others just being weird . I read each and every comment responding " thank you " to some and laughing hysterically at others. I couldn't believe the response my post got in such little time. Before I let procrastination take over my workload I made a small post

" thank you for your support there's more where that came from

Sincerely " you guys rock "

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