Chapter 8 - How Many

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Tranquility was the only way to explain it .

After David finished his "breakfast" he took a shower and was possibly asleep in my bed . I didn't know how long I sat In The chair until my senses told me to do the same . My legs were wobbly and I was light headed from the out of body experience . Was this a dream ? I peeked in my room . It wasn't .

I grabbed some clothes took a quick shower then snuck to call Melinda who I noticed called me a few times .

" hey I've been calling you all morning the fitting for your dress was today ! Are you okay ?"

" shit shit shit shit I'm so sorry Mel I totally forgot"

" you lucky we wear the same size otherwise you would be dead meat .. Why are you whispering anyways "

" David is here " I looked back to see if he was listening . Melinda squealed .

"Shhh.. Be quiet " we were giggling like school girls .

" so how was it I'm dying to know "

" well last night we cuddled and this morning we had breakfast "

" that's it ? " she sounded disappointed

" yea I had pancakes and he .. Had me "

" OMG!" I could picture her face when she said it and we began giggling again

" well I'm not gonna hold you up call me if you need anything I'm still in the bridal shop with Kevin . "

I knew he was going threw hell itself right now and I chuckled at the thought .

I snuggled next David and watched him sleep like a crazed fan.

He got the feeling that he was being watched because his eyes slightly opened.

" took you long enough " he kissed me on my forehead swoon . " Stacy " he voice was sleepy and sexy . " you're the sweetest treat I've ever had "

I pinched myself . It's was quiet before curiosity got the best of me .

" how many sweet treats have you had ?"

I tried to make it sound as nonchalant as possible . I mean I didn't expect David out of all people to be a virgin but I wanted to know . He opened one eye and stared at me

"What ? "

" How many David ?"

Now this didn't sound nonchalant at all but more confrontational then I expected . He sat up and look at me . His expression no longer looked loving but annoyed .

" Stacy what kind of guy do you think I am ? "

Now it was time for me to sit up too .

"One who won't answer the question?"

I went from confrontational to menacing. He gave me a look that wasn't angry or disgusted but disappointed. He shook his head And started to get dress. At that point I didn't know what to say so I said everything that was on my mind . Big mistake , I stood up .

" let's be serious David . Look at you you handsome and successful and single . You know your hot and all the women around you swarm to you like honey on a stick . Just answer the damn question "

I was making things worst .

" Stacy did I have sex with you last night ?!"

He was shouting .

" well but-"

" could I have ? "

I didn't say anything and he got in my face .

" I pleased YOU this morning did I ask for anything in return !"

Now I was silent .

" I thought you seen beyond me . But you act like every other woman who has came into my life . I thought you was better than that . "

He walked away and I didn't know what to say . A part of my pride was angry because he compared me with other woman . By the time I got my senses back to call after him he was out the door and possibly out my life .


I didn't know what to do I called Melinda over but she was still busy at the bridal shop and told me she would be over after . I guess that meant it was time to blog .

Decided to vent . Why why why why me . I just let one of the few things that made me happy walk out the door and I don't know what to do . I made the kind of mistake that you can't just apologize for . It's bad enough that I keep running to my best friend for advice and she's has enough to worry about because she getting married. Sad part is I'm not as happy for her as I should be because I'm so stuck on worrying about myself . Sometimes I wonder if I'm a bad person because bad things keep happening to me . Karma is very real she just got the wrong bitch

Sincerely , my life is screwed .

A couple of people wrote inspirational quotes that were suppose to make me feel better but they didn't . others told me to suck it up And then there was the weirdos asking to suck my toes and if I wanted to make some extra cash on the side

I thought this was gonna make me feel better but it didn't . Then I remember I had a gift for Melinda to open yesterday but forgot to give it to her because I ran out of the party. I realize then that I being a bad friend . I would have to apologize to her.

I was rummaging things around when I heard her use her spare key to get in .


" I'll be right there ! "

I finally found the box that contained her " something borrow and something blue " it was a pair of diamond earrings with blue topaz stones that my mother wore on her wedding day . Being that Melinda's mom died when we were still very young I wanted to share a piece of me with her . I knew she would cry when I gave it to her but when I walked back to the living room it look like she was already in tears .

" what is this ?" She pointed at my laptop . I didn't know what to say

" ...I'm not as happy for her as I should be ?" What does that even mean Stacy "

"You have it all misunderstood "

" No I don't believe I do , if you're so upset about the wedding don't come !"

And with that the second person who was important to me walked out of the door . Boy was I on a roll .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2014 ⏰

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