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Mfs be mad as hell though, it really be funny. Bitches is just young dumb and full of cum.

I be noticing some of y'all mfs be copying my shit in y'all lil suck ass booty ass books.

"Snitch daddy." Is my shit like my whole family says that shit, y'all bitches did not create that ok. You got it from Deja.

Bitches making they characters act just like Eryn, be having they character from Pompano beach, her signature line "I got hatians on standby.", like daaaaaaamn bitch slow ya roll Y'all is not slick 😭😭 and ion like that

"Oh Dej when they copy you it's flattering." Or whatever the hell y'all be saying

Fuck no, you copy my shit than you a lame ass bitch. 🙄

But I fw some y'all so I won't be a bitch and be rude asf like how I usually would. I'm slowly learning how to be less petty 🙂

Birthday in 4 days, YKWTFGO 💚1️⃣7️⃣

Go fw "Slime Ball 2" while you at it. That's enough notes from me though 😭

Janaria Skyler Davis

"Why are you yelling ?"

"Because yo ass can't never act right ! Hell you throwing textbooks for ?!"

I stared at her soon zoning the fuck out cause I was bored. I honestly was trying to pay attention to her, but my mind was just out of it.

"Do you fucking hear me ?" She punched my arm

"Yes ma'am." I scrunched up my face moving my arm

She real live ain't even had to hit me that hard.

"Go to the store and go get me some chips." She threw a five at me

"You literally told me stay me in the house not even 30 seconds ago."

"Janaria, go get my damn chips." She closed her eyes pinching the bridge of her nose

I rolled my eyes on the low and walked out of the house. That bitch Shauntae snitched that I chopped her with a textbook and my stupid ass school suspended me for two days.

She got Ben in trouble for saying that he threatened her so he was suspended as well. Hannah ass was just out for the whole week for walking out of the ISS classroom.

It was hot outside and I unzipped my jacket as I walked down the street. I heard something behind me, but I ain't think nothing of it. I texted Kentrell since he decided not to text me back.

Desean where you at ?

K 💚💍: Out, I'm finna call you in bout five minutes

Out ? Nigga what tf is out ?

And where tf is out ? It better be at Ben or Beenie house and I'm not even playing

I'm calling your mom telling her you out here doing reckless ass shit

So you just gon' read my shit now ? Bet

"Janaria !" Somebody yelled my name as soon as I walked in the store

"What the hell you want ? Big ear ass fucker." I mugged KD

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