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Janaria Skyler Davis

"Ben." I shook his body "Twin get your ugly ass up."

"For what ? It's Saturday ?"

"No it's not, it's Monday. I told your stupid ass don't drink last night and you did, so now you fucked."

"What time is it ?"

"7:27 so get up and dressed for school idiot."

He groaned before throwing the covers off of himself, throwing a fit in his bed. Nigga was literally swinging everywhere as I just stood there.

"Are you done ?" I questioned as he laid still

"Leave me alone." He got up "I shouldn't even go, I can't find my uniform shirt."

"Oop, you left one at my house." I threw it at him

"Ion got no khaki pan—"

"You tried to hide them behind your couch, go in the bathroom and wash your ass so we can go to school."

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh !" He yelled snatching the pants out of my hands "Let me live."

"You're breathing aren't you ?" I laughed before sitting on his bed unlocking my phone

Ben was being an asswhole so he took thirty minutes just to get damn ready. Then he took another 5 just to pick out what shoes he wanted to wear.

"You ain't even get the boogers out yo damn eye." I grabbed his cloth before wiping his face

"You wiping my face too hard !"

"Oh well !"

I hung his rag back up on the shower rod before walking out of the bathroom. I grabbed my bookbag as Ben grabbed his phone and that one black binder.

"You irritate me like what the hell you gon' do with one binder." I mugged him

"I did it last year and it's still works for me." He said as we walked out of his house

"Just so damn slow." We walked over to my mama car

She didn't have to work today, so she let me drive to school. When we arrived at school, it was already time for us to go to our second class.

Me and Ben sat down in our regular seat and watched as people filled the classroom. Hannah soon came walking in and sat in her usual seat next to me.

"Shut up." I told Ben as he kept laughing

"Bang bang." He laughed

"Stupid ass." I mumbled

The whole class period Hannah didn't talk to me or Ben. School ended and as I was waiting for Ben she came up to me.

"I'm sorry I was being a bitch earlier, I was just mad over stupid shit." She told me

"I didn't really care to be honest." I shrugged

"You lowkey did cause I know you was talking shit bitch."

"Nope, so why you ain't tell me bout you Ben and Beenie ?" I tilted my head

"Ion really know, I was drunk when it happened. It happened at Lele house party bout a year ago."

"Something always happening at her parties." I shook my head "Ben come on !"

"You not my mama !"

"Bring ya damn ass before I leave you here with no ride home !" I yelled "Swear its like having my own child."

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