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Janaria Skyler Davis

"My cousin flying into town." I told Ken

"Who yo cousin is ?"

I showed him a picture of her and he went back to his phone after glancing at it.

"She look like a lil ass girl."

"Please don't say that to her, she go crazy whenever somebody say that."

"She ain't gon' beat my ass." He made a face

"You ugly."

"You your daddy son." He slapped my forehead before getting up

"You a bitch." I kicked him in his back

"I'm a what ?" He grabbed my arm twisting it behind my back "I ain't hear you."

"I ain't sa— ow Kentrell !"

"Whatchu said ? You said I'm a what ?" He twisted it further

"Nothing man, get the hell off me !" I tried to move "Mama Kentrell twisting my arm again !"

"Crybaby ass." He let my arm go

"Leave me alone stupid." I grabbed my phone laying on my stomach

"You mad ?" He started laughing

I ignored him and started texting my cousin back.




I looked at him to see him mugging me. I bucked at him and rolled my eyes before going back to my phone.

"Quit playing with me lil girl." He grabbed my ankles pulling me to him

"Why are you so annoying ?" I asked as he laid on top of me

"Who you texting ?"

"My cousin, get out my phone." I exited out of my messages

"Janaria, go get that lil girl from the airport !" My mama yelled from her room

"Alright !" I yelled back "Get off of me boy."

"No your cousin can wait." He wrapped his arm around me

"Boy no, get off of me." I moved from under him

I slid into my adidas slides and grabbed my phone. I went in her room and grabbed her keys and walked out of the house with Kentrell following after me.

"Where y'all going ?" Ben asked as him and Boomer sat on my porch

"I'm going to pick up my cousin from the airport, coming ?"


We all got in my mama car and Ben grabbed the aux. I started the car up and Dex Osama Death On Me started playing.

My mama said I got death on me
The reason why I got this vest on me
These niggas want me, then come get me
I ain't hiding nigga, I'm in the city
I heard dog was putting that play down
Choppa give him brain freeze from a k round
These niggas know they gotta set me up to wet me up

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