Bonus II

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I climb out of my car and walk up to the tall apartment building ahead of me. I didn't take much notice of it the first time I was here but in the daylight, it looks rather modern and inviting. Not that my visit here would be long, hopefully.

I walk up to the front door, which is secured shut, similar to the one in our building. I don't have a code and I don't even know which flat Seb lives in so I decide to just start at number one and work my way upwards.

The lady living in flat number 1 has no idea who Seb is, which is the same response in flats 2 and 3. The man in flat 4 knows who I mean but hasn't lived there long and doesn't know which flat he lives in, whilst the woman flat 5 just shouts 'no!' down the phone at me before I've even finished my sentence.

With diminishing hope, I sigh and ring the buzzer for flat 6. A guy with a deep voice answers.

"Hi, um, I'm looking for Seb?" I ask. There's a pause before the guy speaks again.

"Yeah, that's me" he replies. Finally.

"Er, I'm Brad," I tell him hesitantly, "I'm Ella's flatmate"

Another pause.

"Right, well, unless she's with you and she got five hundred quid-"

"I've got it" I interrupt him, "I have the money with me"

I hear him sigh for a moment, "okay" he says, "I'll come down now"

Less than a minute later, I see Seb approaching the door through the glass. As he opens it, he leans against it to keep it from falling shut.

I don't really have anything to say to him so I simply hold out the cheque that I've written out, which he stares at for a moment and then takes slowly from my outstretched hand.

"Did she send you?" He asks, quirking an eyebrow at me.

"No, she doesn't know I'm here," I tell him, "but I was partly responsible for the... damage"

"Okay, well, I appreciate it," he says, gesturing to the cheque. I nod and start to leave, but I turn back to face him.

"You know,  she liked you and you sexually harassed her and made her feel like shit so you can't really blame her getting angry and lashing out" I say sternly, making him look up at me again, "you deserved everything you got"

He just looks down sheepishly and doesn't say anything.

"If you just wanted casual sex, you should have been upfront her about it from the start"

He has nothing to add so I turn, make my way back to my car and leave as quickly as I came.

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