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i walked across summer's garden to the swing where a raven-haired asian guy was sitting. from what i've heard, his name was zack kwan. oh, interesting. i took a seat beside him in my plaid skirt and knee-high socks, obviously still in my uniform. it was just after school, and we've already started partying. he was wearing a leather jacket paired with ripped black jeans. must've gone home to change first.

"zachary kwan, call me zack," he said, not taking his eyes off the flower his fingers had been playing with.

"wow, he actually speaks. i'm tomika morgernstern, but you can call me the girl of your dreams," i joked, tilting my head towards him, my hazel hair falling on the side of my face. my sneakers could barely reach the ground, while he was already bending down, his legs stretching out like a tree's roots does to the ground.

"funny?" he said, more in a questioning tone.

"sorry?" i was puzzled.

"i suppose funny was the kind of way you were going for to flirt with me," he finally looked up at me, with a pearlie white smile and flawless skin.

"flirt? honey, tomika morgernstern doesn't flirt, that was a pure joke. besides, i just like a new mystery when i see one," i scoffed, kicking one of my feet off the ground to start swinging the swing a little. "what's your story, kwan? why's everybody suddenly so interested in you?"

he looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and stared at me unbelievably for a while. after realising that he wasn't gonna win the stare-off, he streched and put an arm around the side of the swing and me. although it was a small swing, he wasn't actually in contact with me.

"alright then. i'm 17, my 'amazing' brother, ashton, has gotten into oxford and i'm expected to catch up to that. i probably could though, i'm not an idiot but i'm definitely not trying to keep to asian stereotypes," he smirked, tilting his head a bit. his hair fell slightly to the right as the setting sun began to reflect off that. gosh, he is gorgeous. "i am?"

stunned, i stared at him with my eyes wide open. "huh?" was all i could manage to say out. shoot. did i really just tell him that he was 'gorgeous'?

"yes, you did."

damn it, tomika. why do you have to have such a big mouth all the time? you're never gonna get yourself a boyfriend like that, you know that.

"that's okay though, it wasn't the first time someone's said that to me," he said as the blood rushed to my cheeks. what do i do now? he's hesitating, he's gonna say something.

"what if i asked you on a date? would you say yes, or no?" he asked, rubbing his hands together, biting his lip. oh my thor.

"that depends, zack. should i say yes? i mean, what could make me like you, anyways?" i teased, as i stood up and started walking around the swing, until i stood behind him. he looked back towards me, smiling slyly and laughing with eyes closed, before saying, "what do you want, tomika?"

after seconds of hesitation, i finally came to a decision.

"court me," i simply stated, crossing my arms and walking over in front of him.

"excuse me?"

"court me. i think it's obvious that we both have some attraction to each other, we're 17. it seems appropriate."

"courting you? that's fine. but when will you agree to be my girlfriend?" he asked, one of his eyebrows raised. such a rush, zack kwan. why?

"when i feel like you're the right guy. i've been through a whole lot in my life and i want to see if you would stay by me when stuff like that happens. i would for you, even if i just met you," i explained, taking a seat beside him and placing my hand on his.

"okay, sure," zack nodded, and put his arm around me. he looked down at me and asked, "tomika morgernstern, will you do me the great honour of allowing me to court you?"

"of course," i chuckled, and interwined our fingers. "before i go, i think it would be quite important to exchange numbers."

"right, um. 555-862-4862, where do you live?"

"just across the street, actually," i said, smiling and asking him for his. after he told me his address, we talked for a few hours. we barely noticed the sun going to sleep and the stars coming out to play. all we knew was that we were talking. about our favourite things, the genres of music we listen to, choice of popcorn, random stuff. it's always those magical conversations that you have in the middle of the night that get you. and God, was it such a great one, too.

"alright, it's 2.50 in the morning, i'm like four hours late from curfew," i said, standing up, not letting go of his hand, though. he stood up too, his tall figure hovering over me. i expected him to kiss me, i mean we really did get to know each other really well. he didn't, though. i closed my eyes as he kissed my forehead, and i smiled weakly. i was so sleepy, yet i just wanted to stay and talk forever. "bye zack, talk tomorrow?"

"i'll see you tomorrow, i'll pick you up at say, 7 am?" aw, he wanted to bring me to school. how sweet. i thought kwan's were all serious and boring. this one wasn't.

"you're not going home yet?" i asked, hoping he'd walk with me to the door.

"nope, i figured i'd stay a little longer. besides, ashton's dating summer's older sister, and he's my ride home. i would just take an uber, but i don't have any money on me," he said, and i nodded. not much i can say, i live just across the street. he lives like half an hour away. "so tomorrow, yeah?"

"sure," i nodded, walking back into summer's home that i almost forgot i was in. "i expect to see great and wonderful things from you, zachary kwan!"

"of course you will, miss morgernstern," he saluted as he sat back down on the chair.

chivalry isn't dead, after all.

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