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the next day, i woke up with my mascara running down my face, still in my uniform.

zack left a post-it on my bedframe, though.

i smiled after reading the note, grabbing a lavender-painted shadow box i kept at the very top of my shelves

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i smiled after reading the note, grabbing a lavender-painted shadow box i kept at the very top of my shelves. i placed the note carefully inside, where i kept many different, sentimental crap. i didn't really like looking at the things because it made me feel like a hoarder, but they're important milestones in my life that i really don't wish to forget about.

i smiled at all the letters filled with empty promises and middle school awkwardness. in all honesty, i never did get over my middle school boyfriend. i know i know, completely childish and stupid, right? just tomika morgernstern at her best.

i giggled and glanced at the clock. it was 7.10 in the morning. if i didn't move my dumb ass now, i would clearly be an unbelievable amount of late. for zack and for school.

i grabbed my school uniform from my closet and ran to the bathroom. thank goodness my sister's in college in california, so i could have the bathroom all to myself. when my sister was still here, we had to share the bathroom that was connecting our rooms. it was terrible. now that she's gone, mom and dad let me transform half of it into my somewhat studio. there's a bed in there and a closet for when tamara's here, but for now it's mine.

i got into the shower and did everything i needed to do in a shower. then i slipped on my clothes and brushed my teeth. i stuffed all my books and homework into my bag and grabbed my socks from the top of my drawer, which i normally had ready.

i rushed down to put my shoes on and was pleasantly greeted by zack at the door.

"good morning, zachary," i smiled, skipping down the steps and slotting my tiny feet into my boots.

"ready for school?" he asked, extending a hand.

"yeah. actually i was goi-" i was abruptly stopped by my unloving father.

"aren't you going to eat breakfast, mika?"

"no. where's mom?"

"she went to run some, uh, errands."

"right. okay. i'll eat at school or something. bye," i grabbed zack's hand and ran out the door.

"bye mr morgernstern!" zack shouted as we came out the door. such a gentleman. "anyways, what were you saying before your father intercepted?"

"i was wondering if you wanted to take me to iHOP? you haven't eaten breakfast, have you?"

"as a matter of fact, i have. but not to worry, i figured you'd wake up a little later so i've got some food in the car. c'mon," he donned a very handsome smile and led me to his car. as we inched closer i got the wonderful smell of a fantastic breakfast. i looked in and saw a basket full of breakfast foods — waffles, pancakes, hashbrowns, beans, even.

"that's amazing, zack. it smells, amazing," i laughed. as we got into the car, i placed the basket of goodies on my lap. zack drove, while i feasted.

it was only a matter of time before we made it to school. and once we did, i was happy to see that there wasn't that big of a reaction as yesterday. we could easily make our way to our lockers and get to class safely.

"tomika! i didn't see you at the party last night," freddy walked up to me, kissing me and placing his hand on my waist.

i pushed him off and wiped my lips. "hey! watch it, buddy. what are you talking about, anyway?"

"after the band practice, we had a party. we didn't see you. also, why would i watch it, you're my girlfriend, aren't you?" he smiled, pulling me closer and trying to eskimo kiss me. cringe.

"i think i'm gonna go, i'll catch you in class later. see you, tomika," zack awkwardly said, walking away, pushing his hair to the side of his face. he just keeps getting cuter and cuter.

"what the hell are you trying to pull here, frederick? we broke up last year. just deal with the fact that i don't want you anymore?" i pushed him away and stormed off to class where i hoped to see zack. unfortunately, i saw him with summer hathaway.

she was sitting on MY table talking to MY guy. some best friend she is. she was casually twirling her hair and touching his. her go-to flirt move. and he seems really into her. well, shit.

"zack! would you mind if i borrowed summer for just a sec? thanks," i grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the classroom. "what are you doing?"

"making friends? anything wrong with that? plus, zack's cute!" summer giggled, flashing a pearlie white smile.

"first of all, there isn't anything wrong with making new friends. second of all, yes, zack is very cute. but did you forget that zack is also mine? i told you this yesterday. we've also already established that no guy would ever come between us, remember?"

"please, i thought you were joking about zack," she laughed before noticing the very pissed look on my face. "oh, you're serious. well, shit, sorry i didn't think that you and zack woukd actually be together."

"why the heck not, summer?"

"because from what i heard he's already dating someone," she sighed.

"what? who?" my voice cracked as i said those two words that could change everything.

"that's what i was trying to get out of zack. flirting with him, find out who she was, take her down, then date him and be popular. but now that you called dibs on him, i guess we can skip the flirting part and just see who she is and then you can do the whole date him thing."

"not a bad plan, hathaway. though, you should have run this through me before you commenced your plan. we always run each other's plans theough each other if we wanted to destroy someone's high school career. you know that," i joked, smiling.

"right. well, we better get back to class because freddy's about to walk in," she warned, pointing at freddy who was walking down the hall.


a very happy birthday to this gal who is my very wonderful inspiration to do this story :))

•a very happy birthday to this gal who is my very wonderful inspiration to do this story :))

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