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after the whole freddy-summer-asher drama, i didn't know how to react. after school, i met up with zack in a yogurt shop across the street from my school. he had to do something, but i really needed to talk with someone. so i waited.

"hey," zack said as he entered the small corner shop. he put down his bag, and looked at me. "you okay, mika?"

"not really. i mean, i know what freddy's done before, he's hurt me. i'm afraid he'll hurt summer as well. like, i was completely convinced freddy liked me before, and he tried to hurt me, and it's been really hard to forget about it since. summer's so important to me and i remember how depressed i was, even at that age. all because of what he did," my eyes began to water.

"shh," zack placed his hands on my cheeks and wiped away my tears with his thumbs. "don't worry. i'll keep you and summer safe."

"thank you, but you don't know what freddy is capable of zack," i shook my head, reminiscing that night.

"just because you've encountered him once, does not mean that he's not going to change, or become worse, even," zack warned, his brown eyes burning into my hazel ones. "just tell me if he ever tries to hurt you or summer, i'll be there."

i nodded, leaning my head onto my arm as we ate our frozen yogurt. i spent the whole time just thinking about the possibilities of what could happen to summer. would freddy take advantage of her? take her life for all we know? but he doesn't seem like the person to do that.

at least i hope he doesn't do anything of sucb sick ideas.

"tomika? hello? are you even still in our multi-verse?" zack waved his hand around my face, trying to grab my attention. like any other regular almost-girlfriend, i grabbed his hand.

"i'm here. i just can't forget about summer," i sighed, letting go of his hand that i was gripling oh-so tightly. apparently he'd been talking about a summer internship over at a record label in los angeles and a possible record deal from the same record label if he can produce a song and present it. he was hoping that i'd join him.

"sure, i'd love to," i smiled, my eyes wandering off into space again. i swear my eyes were slowly burning into open space to make an incision to break the space-time continuum.

zack got up and walked over to me, giving ne a large bear hug from the back and gave me wet, sloppy kisses on my cheek.

"you goof!" i laughed, tickling him in his torso as his own lips tickled my cheeks.

"can't wait for our date tomorrow. it's going to be amazing, i just know it," zack assured me, smiling and taking a bite out of my yogurt. "alright, i've got to go meet my brother for dinner in about 2 hours, but i have to pick uo my dad at the airport in 1 hour, and first help my mom pick up the groceries. bye, mika! stay safe, love."

i gave him a weak smile and a small gesture/wave as he walked to his car with his jacket slung on his back. idiot left his notes on the table. maybe i'll go meet him at his house later.

i sat for a while, maybe 1, 2 hours, finishing my homework and an extra-large smoothie. it was kind of peaceful being in somewhere that wasn't home, wasn't school, and was nice and cool.

as i was walking out to the bus stop, i noticed summer walking gloomily toward me. i forgot she took the bus home as well. my eyes widened and i ran, hiding behind a large tree. thankfully, she didn't notice me. she got onto the bus the moment it came, and i emerged from the tree trunk, calling zack.

"zack? could you pick me up? i'm stuck here, the last bus just left me and summer was on it so i avoided it," i realised.

"zack? who's that? is that your new girlfriend?" a high-pitched female voice was heard in the background.

"bye, mika!" zack quickly said and hung up on me. i could practically hear his worry dripping from his words. what was he worried about? i do have to admit, i don't think he's cheating. it could be a friend, his brother's girlfriend, his possible unknown sister or anybody. zack wouldn't hurt me. i just know he wouldn't.

i sat down at a bench somewhere near zack's house, after walking all that while. i contemplated on whether i should go in or not for a while, before ultimately deciding that i should confront him and give him his notes back.

i walked up to his large door once again and pressed the doorbell. i was struggling to carry many things (his notes, my jacket, my phone, my wallet and a smoothie) and dropped his notebook. all his notes splattered across the ground and i placed my other belongings down on a stool before gathering everything that i'd dropped. i might have snooped a little and noticed he had been writing about a girl.

he's a writer, too? never expected that.

my eyes scanned through the pages that were thankfully numbered by zack himself. what a neat freak.

i sat down on the marble steps as i sipped on my smoothie and read the story for about ten to fifteen minutes when i finally noticed the door has been opened.


"zack! you left your notes at the yogurt shop, so i figured i'd bring them over," i handed him the notebook, waiting for him to invite me in. "can i come in?"

"not right now, actually. um, i had to fight with my parents and brother about opening this door for you, i don't think it's exactly the perfect time to come in and chat about random shit right now," he awkwardly smiled. "would you like me to drive you home?"

"will your parents mind?" i asked. as much as i wanted a ride from all the walking and the current burning questions i have for him, i really did not want him to get in trouble because of me.

"of course they will. but let's go anyway."

that certainly gave me a feeling of reassurance. i smiled at his reply and followed him to his car.

as he drove, i started to ask my questions.

"so, how's your brother?"

"he said he's doing well in oxford. apparently, he's made many friends and is thinking to join a fraternity." 

"cool, cool. does he have a girlfriend?"

"yeah. she's studying in london, but she's from singapore. she sounds really great, i can't wait to meet her."

so it's not his brother's girlfriend.

"do you have any other siblings. i noticed quite a few rooms in the area where you and your brother sleep."

"actually, yes. i do have a sister. her name's amanda. also a genius. she's a year older than us, so she makes us do things for her. in fact, she's here now. she's at home now. she was the girl you heard in the car, actually. she really wants to meet you, but the last time i let her meet one of my girlfriends, she made her move to seattle." 

"wow, that's intense," i commented on his sister's impressive skills. i also noticed in his description of amanda that he included the word 'girlfriend'. "girlfriend, huh? i'm not yours, so why don't i meet her? tomorrow for lunch sounds good. don't forget about our date tomorrow at 4." 

he looked at me with wide, worried eyes as he pulled up into my driveway. "you're kidding." 

"really am not. thanks for the ride, zack-o. see you tomorrow," i gave him a peck on the cheek and stepped out of the car. i waved to him as i stepped into my house and saw his face, pale and blank. i wonder what i got myself into. i chuckled to myself and snuck in, hurrying up the stairs and locking the door in my room. 

can't wait to meet his sister. she seems like she's gonna destroy me. i'm excited.

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