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zack opened the door for me, as i slowly entered, all human traffic halting at the sight of zack. i stepped in quietly, all the eyes then darted towards me. zack closed the door behind us once he was in, and slipped his hand into mine as we walked along the corridors to my locker. the hallways were dead silent and everybody was just staring at us.

he walked me to my locker, and waited until i was done before offering to lead me to class.

"i can do that myself, or better yet go with you to yours before going together," i said, when the movement of people started again.

"no way. if i'm going to court you, i need to be a gentleman. besides, it's you who wanted me to court you," he said, putting his arm around me once i got myself ready for class.

"alright then, mr stubborn," we walked into class, as he led me to my seat. i rolled my eyes. he was such a meticulous guy, i really did not think leading me to my seat was necessary. "you're in this class, too?"

"i will be," he nodded, flashing a shiny pearlie-white. i guess he's gonna transfer.

"i'll be back," he smiled, kissing my hand before walking out of class to get his things.

i smiled back, before taking out my books for first period. just then, a swarm of girls proceeded to surround me, bombarding me with questions and spouting completely inappropriate phrases at me. thank God summer arrived, if not i would have been stuck for ages.

"clear it out, ladies! the best friend has arrived, just e-mail your questions," she said as she took the seat next to me. "rumour has it you amd zack are together. truth, mika?"

"no, we're not. he's courting me. i haven't answered him," i simply stated, waiting for the bell to ring and zack. he rushed in just in time, before my teacher mr finn walked in, setting down his bag and books.

"okay, everybody. we have a new transfer student here today, zachary kwan, please take a seat behind tomika, thank you," mr finn announced before stuffing the tranferral slip into his satchel. he normally lets us rock, but after discussing some issues pertaining our education, he's decided to spend more time on actual lessons. surprisingly, he isn't as stupid as he seems. he's actually rather smart, and can teach math really well. "so, zachary. i'm gonna call you zack, it sounds cooler. welcome to our class. so in this class, we don't pay much attention to the schedule given, but we still do work. what shall we do today? we have the grand choice of physics or history."

my eyes darted toward zack, trying to suggest to go for physics. history was such a bore, and i never understand anything mr finn says, anyways.

"physics, mr finn," he began, before pausing and saying, "who's the top scorer in physics, may i ask?"

mr finn picked up a clipboard and flicked through until he reached the physics score sheet. he directed his finger to every single name until he called out, "tomika!"

great. my potential boyfriend's going to think i'm a nerd. so what if i love physics? it helps me with skate-boarding.

"i see. well, in a few days, it is going to be me, so no worry there," zack stated oh-so confidently, pulling out a notebook from his bag and beginning to write down today's topic.

"actually, zacky, that's a tad difficut considering i get perfect scores on all my quizzes and exams, so there's no getting any high then perfect!" i bragged, writing down "study for physics" in my planner.

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