Chapter 41

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As soon as Harry entered his office next morning, he knew something was different. He stopped and set his briefcase down in the foyer. He sniffed the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. On the table was a bouquet of cut flowers. Strangest of all, a cheery humming came from the kitchenette. Miss Giveny?

Cautiously, he tiptoed to the kitchen door. Holding his breath, he peeked around the corner. Miss Giveny’s back was turned to him. On the counter sat a tray with a cup and saucer and a cream pitcher. He could not imagine what miracle had lifted her from her usual state of crankiness. He took refuge in his office.

The last few weeks had taken its toll on his practice. Expecting to face a desk run amok, he had already resigned himself to buckle down to boredom. When he entered his office, Harry gasped. Warily, he approached the desk. At the far right corner, files were neatly stacked. Each one had a yellow sticky note on its cover. His agenda was open to the correct date, and several dozen pink message slips were neatly clipped to the page.

A soft tap came at the door. “Yes?” he responded cautiously. Miss Giveny backed into the room, with a tray in hand and a newspaper under her arm.

“Good morning, Harry,” Miss Giveny said, smiling.

A beaming secretary was a shocking sight for Harry. And to be addressed by his first name! Could he ever learn to call her Gladys?

Miss Giveny did not wait for a reply, but set the tray down and proceeded to pour the coffee, just as if she had been doing so for years.

“You’re a hero, Harry,” she said, handing him his coffee.

“For heaven’s sake, what are you talking about?”

“Here.” She handed him the paper. “Take a look.”

Harry took a deep breath. From the front page of the city section gazed Harold Jenkins.

Not a bad picture, he thought, taken for the fifteenth anniversary of his membership in the Alton Club. There was not that much difference—maybe a little less on top and a little more around the chin. All in all, he was pleased. Next to his photograph was the trim and devilishly handsome McKeown. Harry read.


Anthony McKeown, a senior partner of Cheney, Arpin, has been charged with the attempted murder of Donald Deighton. Several weeks ago, Marjorie Deighton was a victim of premeditated murder. According to authorities, Harold Jenkins rescued the boy after McKeown threatened him with a knife. Sources indicate that McKeown is connected to the Florist murders. The Toronto Police Department also believes that McKeown was at the center of a major real-estate money-laundering scheme. Partners at Cheney, Arpin were unavailable for comment; however, firm sources reveal that Tony McKeown was already the subject of an internal investigation by their security and audit departments.

Setting the paper down, he said, “Maybe they will get to the bottom of it, but you can bet the firm will distance itself fast enough from McKeown.”

“Aren’t they already doing that with their internal investigations?”

“More likely, covering up.”

Miss Giveny held out a pink message slip. “Jonathan Conroy has been calling this morning. He wants to have lunch at the Alton Club to discuss a potential merger of firms.”

Harry was stupefied. “A merger? You can’t be serious. That’s like being swallowed by a boa constrictor. I’m a speck of dust compared to them.” He tossed the message onto his desk. And a troublesome one at that, he thought.

“Why don’t you find out what they’re up to?”

“They’re wanting to silence me.”

“Aren’t you curious? You might get some useful information.”

He gazed at her thoughtfully and said, “All right. I’ll call them, but I’m pretty sure I know what’s going on.”

Five minutes later, he had Conroy on the line and lunch was set for noon at the Alton Club. First, he had copies made of all relevant documents and correspondence on the Chin files. Then he made an appointment for eleven at the Law Society.

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