The Underwhere and its Secrets

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Tippi whispered, "Count Bleck... I feel like I know him from somewhere... Wait, I do! Or at least, I did! I did know him! But... How? And when? Who is he? I can't remember..."

Mario groaned as he opened his eyes, seeing that he and his team were back in Flipside. He quickly went over to Peach and started to shake her. The red clad plumber was worried.

He begged, "C'mon, Peach. Wake up, please..."

Peach slowly opened her eyes and saw him standing over her, very worried.

She asked, "M - Mario?"

Mario answered, "Yeah, it's me. Are you okay, Peach?"

Peach nodded as she got to her feet, with Mario's help. That's when Mario saw Bowser and Violet were awake.

Bowser was annoyed as he quipped, "We're okay too, thanks a lot."

Violet questioned, "What happened? How'd we get back to Flipside?"

Tippi explained, "I'm a little discombobulated myself, so it is hard to say... At the very least, we seemed to have returned to Flipside..."

Bowser huffed, "Tell us something that we don't know."

Violet turned to Tippi and stated, "Whatever it is, we have to go back and get the Pure Heart! We came so far! We can't give up now!"

Tippi replied, "I happen to agree. Mario, try the door."

Mario tried the dark blue door and it opened. On the other side was a sight that our heroes wished that they never saw. The world was gone and all that was left was lines and white everywhere. Violet shivered in horror.

She stated, "This is scarier than when Luigi and I faced King Boo... That still gives me nightmares..."

Mario confessed, "As it does with me..."

Peach was surprised as was Violet. Bowser and Tippi looked confused to what they were talking about but they still moved along the dead and destroyed world. Tippi felt the Pure Heart somewhere in this world. Finally, after a good bit walking, the group stumbled upon a heart shaped stone.

Tippi stated, "That's it! That's the Pure Heart!"

Peach walked over to it, picked it up, and said, "Sure doesn't look like what it did before."

Bowser gulped, "Is it...dead...?"

Mario breathed, "For the first time, Bowser, you might be on the money."

Violet questioned, "If it is dead, then does that mean we failed...?"

Tippi answered, "No...let's see if Merlon has an answer."

"Heh heh heh... This place is pretty bland now, isn't it?"

Bowser huffed, "Who's there?!"

At that moment, Mr. L dropped in out of nowhere and stood next to the Pure Heart - as well as the princess.

Peach breathed, "You again!"

Violet's heart was beating over 88 MPH and she had that same feeling before. Instead of showing that she had those feelings; she groaned, "Oh great, just what we needed - the maniac with the tools."

Mr. L stated, looking at the Pure Heart, "Hey, what's going on here? Looks like your Pure Heart got broken. I guess Pure Hearts can't handle the end of the world. Heh. But, eh, whatever. I'll steal it just for kicks."

Peach clutched the Pure Heart to her body and replied, "Over my dead body."

"Princess," said the heroes in the group, protesting over her decision.

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