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Jake drove whilst Tessa was in the passenger seat, with me and the twins sandwiched in the back. We were only driving to Tristan's place, but of course Tessa couldn't go 5 minutes without a Starbucks.
"Okay but be quick" Jake said as we pulled into the parking lot,
"I need to pee too" Tessa mumbled and Jake rolled his eyes,
"Okay I'll get the drinks" Emilio laughed and opened his door, "What do you guys want?"
"Espressoooo" Jake said,
"Ice brew please" Tessa grinned before going,
"Just grab me some water" Ivan said,
"And I want a whi-"
"White chocolate frappuccino but soy milk and easy on the creme? I know Lou" Emilio interrupted me before running off.
"Wow" Jake laughed, "he knows your order, things must be serious."
"Yeah and..." I muttered, "I like Starbucks. And Ivan wipe that smirk off of your face" I said as I pushed him,
"Hey I didn't do anything!" He shrugged and pushed me back, "besides you can't get angry at me,"
"Oh yeah? Gimme a reason" I snorted
"I look too much like your boyfriend" he winked and Jake burst out laughing,
"Good one buddy, savage" he said with a high 5,
"Guys stop it's not funny," I growled, "look here he comes, now shut up."

The traffic was bad and 20 minutes later we had barely made it a mile from Starbucks. I looked in the rear view mirror to see that Lou had fallen asleep on Emilio, who was also out for the count.
"Hey look" I nudged Tessa and pointed them out, "vlog it."
I laughed as she zoomed in on them and Ivan posed in a peace sign next to them, "thumbnails for daayyzz" he joked.
"Dude does Emilio talk about her to you?" I asked, knowing that if Em was gonna tell anyone it would be his brother.
"Sorry bro that's breaking the twin rule" Ivan chuckled,
"Oh c'mon, I'm her big brother" I pleaded,
"Yeah exactly" he continued grinning, "you'll come for him,"
"So he does talk about her!" I laughed,
"Yeah a bit" Ivan admitted. After a pause for thought I came up with an idea,
"Hey Ivan" I whispered, cautious that Em and Lou could wake up, "at Tristan's we gotta prank them, please dude it'll be fucking hilarious,"
"Yeah alright" he laughed "but what do you wanna do?"
"I think you should pretend to be Emilio and like, get real with her."

We were at Tristan's and I was in the kitchen trying to find something to eat,
"Hey Lou Boo" a Spanish voice entered, definitely Emilio with that nickname.
"Heya what's up?" I asked, engrossed in my mission to find chips,
"I wanna talk" he said and I blushed but kept my back turned to play it cool,
"Oh yeah? What about?" I asked,
"Us" he said, before sitting on the counter, "I really like you."
My heart jumped and I turned to face him, looking into his eyes,
"I - I - I...." I paused and frowned.
I didn't recognise those lips... Hold on.... "I definitely don't like you because YOU'RE FREAKING IVAN" I yelled and gently slapped him,
"DAMNIT" I heard Jake cry out and his voice get closer,
"My shitty ass bitch of a brother set you up to this didn't he" I said with fury but Ivan was too far into hysterics to reply.
"Gotchaaaa" Jake laughed, walking in with his camera. To be honest I couldn't help laughing myself,
"You are so mean" I rolled my eyes, "but you still didn't get an answer out of me so I'm not mad."
"Sis, hermana, sorella - the color of your face says it all" Jake smirked and I had no choice but to storm out.

Emilio MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now