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The most relaxing time of the year, and I can prove it...

As I was resting on a hammock outside, I felt a gush of cool refreshing air pass by, I could smell the delightful lilacs blooming, and hear the chirping of bluebirds.


The beautiful pastoral scene I was appreciating came to a sudden halt.

"There's some mail that came in for you," I heard my mother's sweet voice calling for me, "just thought you might want to check it out."

"Thanks Marie, but I think I'll pass. It's probably from another advertiser trying to scam us or something," I replied with a hint of annoyance in my tone.

"Darling.... first of all, it's Maria, and only your father called me that. So, to you it's Mom. Also, I thought receiving a letter from Hopkins was a very good thing, but please correct me if I'm wrong," She spoke clearly with sarcasm.

A bittersweet rush of sorrow ignited in my body at the mention of my father. I pretended as if I hadn't heard my mom, and continued...

"You're kidding??!!??" I asked rhetorically.

I was thrilled! I had been so desperate waiting to hear back from John Hopkins.

I jumped out of the hammock hastily, falling into dirt and scraping my knees.

"Now, now, don't hurt yourself. I think you've done enough of that, and besides, it might not even be an acceptance letter," she spoke as she came to my aid.

"Marie!" I exclaimed as I was hurt with the thought of being deferred.

"Just joking sweetie. Now let me get some bandages for the damage you've caused," she said after she had brought me into our living room.

I thanked her for the help and got situated on a comfy couch. "Mom, now's not the time to worry about my inflictions. Hand me the letter. I've been waiting too long for this," I said getting anxious.

"You're right. Here you go," she said handing me the big floppy envelope.

I grabbed my handy-dandy Swiss pocket knife, and began cutting away the rough paper as neatly as possible. I was determined to have it framed if I were to actually get in. I pulled the thin paper out slowly, taking deep breaths.

"Don't worry baby, I'm sure it's only good news," my mother spoke, noticing my nervousness.

I looked up from where I was sitting and tried to smile, thanking her for her kindness. She smiled a soft smile in return, even though we both knew how weak mine was.

"Alright," I said breaking the silence, "here goes nothing."

I started unfolding the letter slowly, trying not to create any tears.

I read carefully trying to grasp the meaning of every single word, as if they were sacred. I was shocked.

Dear Juliette Vanderford,

Congratulations! On behalf of the faculty and staff at John Hopkins University....

And that was all I needed to read for me to start screaming and jumping for joy.

"Mom! mom! MOTHER!" I cried with tears of joy.

"Baby, are you alright? What'd they say? You know it's alright if you didn't get in, because you could always go to Duke and mate with your cousin Elisabeth and I'm sure she'd-"

"Mom! I got in! These are not tears of sadness. These are of joy, and plus I would never stay with Elle. She hates me remember???" I interrupted my mother's rambling.

My mom's Bambi eyes widen even more than I thought they could. She ran towards me and we embraced. She practically choked me to death- literally.

"Juliette! I'm so proud of you! You must accept this immediately. Oh my! Wait until your sister and brother hear about this! You've worked so hard and deserve this accomplishment! Oh my gosh, you could be in the class you brother is teaching! You will always be your father and I's little Jules," she spoke tearing up.

"Whoa, whoa mom. Thanks, but I will most definitely not be taking Carter's class. Also, when was the last time you used dad's nickname for me?" I asked blushing.

I started reminiscing about the past, and trying to recall the last time she had used that nickname since-

"Well, I'm just proud. Ok? And let's just say ever since the funeral, we've both been on estranged paths for awhile."

She replied interrupting my thoughts and bringing about a new topic to ponder on....

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