My bad...

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"Oh, it's you."

I was greeted not so friendly, at the restaurant, by Harry.

"My bad. Were you expecting someone else?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well, yes. Someone a little bit more attractive." He smirked at my appearance.

I tried to ignore his response by walking away to meet up with the others.

"Bye, sweet tart."

I heard his goodbye over my shoulder, causing me to roll my eyes.

Luckily Jamie came by to introduce me to the rest of her 'friends'.

"Hi, I'm Mason." One boy out of the 3 introduced himself.

I couldn't help but stare. He was very attractive, and by that, I mean hot. He had a gorgeous figure and golden colored hair. His eyes were really nice too, but not as nice as Harry's- wait what-

"Uh-" I heard him waiting for my response.

Oh crap. I must've zoned out again...

"Oh, sorry. My name's Juliette. It's nice to meet you." I answered blushing.

"The pleasure's mine." he stated winking.

Jamie broke the awkwardness by continuing on...

"Oh, yeah this is Avery." she said introducing the girl across the table with brown ombré hair.

"Hiya! I've heard so much about you. I can immediately tell we'll be the best of friends." she said smiling.

Wow. What has Jamie even told her about me?

"Oh, that's nice..." I said caught by surprise.

"Don't mind her. She's a bit off." The boy on the very end said jokingly.

"Niall! Really? I'm trying to make a good first impression and you're making it awfully hard." Avery pouted.

He just laughed and then went in for a kiss.

"Mmnn..." Avery moaned during the action as if she had already forgiven him.

"See, I was just kidding. And besides, I can always make it up to you." Niall said running his hand through his beach blonde hair.

They were cute.


I just wish I could have a relationsh-


My self-pity party was interrupted.

"Wha- wait, what?" I spoke up.

Jamie just shook her heard. "Come on, goose. The waiter is waiting on your order."

It had already been 30 minutes?

I skimmed through the menú quickly searching for a meal.

"Uh, may I please have the Coq au vin?" I asked politely.

"Anything for you, pretty eyes." the waiter winked at me while grabbing our menús.

I heard a scoff from none other than, Harry. "Uh please, if anyone here has pretty eyes it's me."

It was quite true. He eyes always had that green luminous gleam.

"Hush, Harry. Just because he didn't flirt with you doesn't mean you have to get all sour. I know how it feels to be jealous." Avery calmed him down chuckling.

Niall nudged Mason. "That was actually really funny."

Mason laugh, "You're right, but Juliette really does have beautiful eyes."

I overheard what I thought was meant to be a compliment, so I started blushing.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Harry rolling his eyes. Huh, he must really be jealous that the waiter flirted with me instead of him. Haha

"So Jamie, where's your boyfriend? Will he be joining us tonight?" I asked changing the subject.

She nervously answered, "Uh, well he actually couldn't make it tonight."


"Aw, such a same. I was really looking forward to seeing him, and I'm sure Juilette would've loved to 'meet' him." Mason commented obviously not being sincere.

Huh? I thought to myself about what he meant by 'meet', like as if I've already met him.

"Mason. Drop it. Now." Jamie said angered.

Avery broke the silence looking around at us all. "So... I really don't know what's going on, but anyways, Niall and I would like to make an announcement."

Harry just chuckled, "Well it's not the first time you don't realize anything."

Avery glared at him. "Ok then. Shall I continue?"

Everyone just nodded.

"Alright. Well, Niall and I are moving in together and having a welcoming party. Obviously you're all invited. Even you Juliette."

"Well that's not a shocker at all, but thanks for the invite." Jamie sort of congratulated the couple.

"I'm flattered by your generosity. I look forward to seeing you guys' place." I thanked them.

"Yeah, sure." was all Harry could say on the subject.

After everyone was talking about Niall and Avery's news, the waiter came out with everyone's checks.

"Hey, Juliette. I was wondering what you were doing tomorrow." Mason asked while we slid out of the booth and walked towards the exit.

"School. That's pretty much all I have in my agenda." I replied.

I hadn't noticed Jamie was right beside me until she laughed, "Goose, he doesn't care about school. He's asking you out on a date."

"Oh." was all I said.

I looked away to see if Harry was anywhere near us. I had the desire of him coming by to stop me from saying yes, but he was no where to be found.

"Uh, what are you waiting for Julie?" Jamie saw me wondering.

"Oh. Uh, yeah. My afternoon is free." I finally answered Mason.

He smirked, but for some reason I only thought of Harry when he did.

"Looks like we have a plan. See ya 'round 6 o'clock." and with that he started walking away...

I said goodbye as he walked into the distance, and as I was starting to leave someone brushed by my shoulder.

"Sorry I wasn't there. My bad." the figure said smirking, and I knew exactly who it was...

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