Leaving for Silla.

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When she awoke the following morning; Aoibheann shook her sister awake gently. Her sister groaned, turning over onto her back to relieve herself of her sister's shaking. Aoibheann rolled her eyes, then slapped her sister's arm "it must be time, I can heard the maids talking down the hallway". "I don't wanna go" Caitlin groaned, pulling the blankets back over her shoulders. Aoibheann snatched them back down, standing up and pulling her younger sister up by her arms. 

The maids knocked on the door just then, then entered their large bedroom. "Princesses, please. It's time for you to get dressed" one smiled, motioning towards their wooden wardrobes. Caitlin sulked the whole way through getting dressed -- while Aoibheann chatted to the maids dressing her. Once they were fully dressed and had their make-up done, too, they headed downstairs for breakfast. Breakfast was mighty --and consisted of porridge with dates as well as white bread and three meat dishes. Sean was also up and going -- which the girls were happy to see. He looked a lot better than he had the previous day. 

"Are you girls thrilled to be moving?" their father asked, smiling kindly at his young daughters. The girls wanted to tell him the truth, but were afraid to anger him. Their father had quite the temper. "Yes, father" Aoibheann answered, being the eldest of the two "we are quite thrilled". Their father shot them an excited smile, before digging into his pork once more "I promise you, you will enjoy your time there. Also, there is something I wish to discuss before we leave". 

Aoibheann and Caitlin raised an eyebrow at their father, while chomping on some chicken. The servants stood close by, just in case they were needed, but didn't eat until their father and them had finished their meal. Though the castle would be abandoned after that night -- something the girls didn't want to think about. "Aoibheann -- how old are you now?" her father asked, still chewing on some pork. "Well --"she replied "I'm twenty this year, father". He smiled happily "then you won't mind if I find you a husband, am I correct?".

Aoibheann and Caitlin both began to choke on their meat at the same time. HUSBAND?! Caitlin was fuming at the thoughts of her older sister getting married -- something she had never really thought about. If Aoibheann got married, she would have to have children and move away from the family. Caitlin feared she would be lonely. "But Father--" Aoibheann was about to protest, but he held up his arm to signal her to be quiet. "No, Aoibheann. You won't mind if I find you a husband, am I correct?". She felt tears well up in her  eyes, but nodded slowly "of course not, father". 

"Perfect" he smiled, clapping his hands together as he finished his meal "all done. We will be leaving in twenty minutes. Your luggage will be carried by the servants. From the moment we leave the dock in the ship, you two are no longer princesses. Understood?". Caitlin's hands formed into fists, but she held herself back, knowing she would be punished if she lashed out. "Yes, father" they both answered in unison. He nodded, standing up and leaving to get dressed for their journey.

"I hate this!" Caitlin roared angrily to Aoibheann as they stood outside ten minutes later, waiting for their father. Their brothers also stood with them, but said nothing. "Me too, Caitlin. We have to do as he says, though. Don't worry about me and my marriage -- I will be fine". "No you won't!" Caitlin exclaimed angrily "you always speak of wishing to marry for love! Father would never allow it. He will force you to marry whomsoever he wants you to!". Aoibheann shook her head, giggling at her younger sister's anger "calm, my sister. I have always wished to be married anyway, this will not do me any harm. As long as he is rich and handsome -- I have no issues". 

Caitlin took a deep breath, smiling softly at her older sister "fine. I will calm, for you". Before long, their father joined them. The people of the town stood watch and mourned the loss of their loving king as they walked through the streets surrounded by guards and servants. Once they reached the docks of the small village which had surrounded their castle, they spotted the ship with ease. It was fancier than the others -- so of course it was for them.  "Ready?" Caitlin asked her sister, taking her hand. Aoibheann tightened her grip on her sister's hand "I'm ready". 

Once on board, they found their cabin and put away their luggage. They no longer had servants to do these things for them, they were free people now,  while Aoibheann and Caitlin felt like peasants. All thanks to their father for moving them away from their land -- from home. As soon as the ship began to move, Aoibheann grabbed Caitlin's hand and pulled her out onto the deck. They watched with tear filled eyes as the land they knew and loved so well disappeared -- and all they could see was the ocean. 

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