Secret meeting.

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Aoibheann snuck out the window that night when everyone was sleeping, though of course her sister knew exactly where she was going, as she had told her. She lifted her dress slightly, throwing her leg over the window and landed on the ground with a small thud. She dusted the muck off her dress, before making her way to the bridge past Okta. 

Once the bridge came into view; so did Danse. A warm, happy smile plastered the young girls lips as she ran towards him. He caught her in his arms, planting three warm pecks on her lips. "I'm so happy you came" he muttered once he pulled back, taking her hands in his. "Of course I came; I wouldn't miss it for the world". 

Danse just smiled in response. It was his way of showing just how happy he was, and how much he appreciated it. He always valued actions over words. "How's your brother?" Aoibheann asked, leaning against the wooden railings of the bridge. Danse chuckled loudly, before leaning against them, too, except he was facing the water, and she was leaning on it with her back. "He's fine, why do you ask? Is it him you love?" he responded. "No!" she exclaimed, then slapped her hand over her mouth in fear of waking someone in a nearby home up. Danse smirked, pulling her close to him "don't fear; nobody will come out even if they hear you. The people of the capital are far too lazy". 

Aoibheann nodded, allowing her hand to fall limp by her side as she gazed into his beautiful brown eyes. "You're very handsome" she muttered automatically, and instead of acting embarrassed, she smiled like she meant it. Because she did. Danse didn't smile, instead he laced his hands in her hair, their eyes not moving away from each others. "You are far more beautiful than I deserve" he told her "I am nothing; yet you love me". 

"How could you say that?!" she exclaimed, hurt evident in her voice "you are a wonderful man, Danse. What is this about?". Danse hesitated, but her beautiful blue eyes were calling him to carry on. He let out a sad sigh. "My brother and I do not share the same mother" he explained "my mother was a servant, making me a half breed.  Hansung's mother was a noble; making him a true bone. It's sad but.. I get insulted a lot. Especially by my grandfather. He hates me". "I could tell" Aoibheann sighed, resting her hand on his cheek "but that's alright". 

"Do you really think so?" he asked, tears welling in his eyes. Aoibheann wiped them away with her skinny fingers, before nodding "I do". He smiled weakly, coughing back the tears before taking her hand "it's not very manly to cry; shall we walk?". He held out his arm for her to take. "Is it safe to walk out here?" she questioned, linking arms with him. "Don't worry, as I said; the people are too lazy to look out the window". 

For some reason, Aoibheann doubted this was true. "Have you been out with many a maiden, then?" she teased. He stopped in his tracks, turning to look at her with a serious expression. For a moment, Aoibheann thought he would say yes. "No, just you" he told her, a soft smile plastering his lips "just you, and only you". She sighed with relief, allowing him to pull her along farther until they reached a patch of grass. He lay down on it, motioning with his hand for her to lay beside him. 

Aoibheann was unsure, she didn't want to get her dress wet or dirty, as her father would guess she had been out if he saw it. Though soon any hesitation washed away. She needed to live. She needed to spend time with him so they could be together. So they could be married. She smiled softly, nodding her head before laying down beside him with her head on his chest. He intertwined their legs, and it was the most comfortable position Aoibheann had ever been in. His arms felt more like home than home. 

The couple lay there in silence, looking up at the stars in the sky as they twinkled. Aoibheann couldn't help but fall more in love with him in that moment. They way he focused on the sky, there was just something about it. She snuggled into him some more, then quietly called "Danse?". He snapped out of his daydream, glancing down at her lovingly. "Let's try our best to make this work out between us. I have never felt this way before, and I really, really don't want to marry Soo-ho. 

His eyes snapped back to the sky, his head lowering back onto the ground "I don't want you to marry him either. The thought of it breaks my heart and soul into tiny, irreplaceable pieces. Let's put our all into it. We'll figure it out, I hope". Aoibheann knew that he wouldn't promise her. Nothing was set in stone just then. They weren't sure if they would ever be able to get married; though the unspoken promise was "I will love you forever, regardless". 

Neither wanted to admit that. It was too painful to think; never mind say. The thoughts of Danse with another woman, and the thoughts of Aoibheann with Soo-ho killed them both. The thoughts of having to give herself so freely to Soo-ho, and conceive his children, caused cracks in her already fragile heart. She needed Danse...

And she would never love anyone else. 

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