Chapter 12

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Original(Amber) POV

I follow Clara about 4 doors away from where I was originally. Then she stops abruptly and I run into her.

"Aye chill" she whispers

"Sorry" I mutter.

Clara was standing in frot of a door that was decorated with rock band posters and I knew what must be inside. James. But why would he have time to decorate?

"Can I uh- can me and him have some time alone?" I ask

"Sure thing." She says winking and chewing her gum that she must have put in her mouth on the way here.

Clara pulls a necklace from under her black shirt and bends down unlocking the red door. She pushes the door open so that it's cracked and turns around passing me.

"Have fun, don't take to long." She says winking at me, then disappearing down the hall.

I slowly open the door not knowing what I would see. The room was absolutely breath taking. The walls were littered with posters but that's not what I was focusing on.

The whole room was covered in a gleaming silver net. The roof had it, the walls had it and so did the floor. I walk inside, the net sent ripples with every step I took. The net was like solid water, why would this be all over his room? I make my way to the bed, with my hand sliding on the wall. My touch sent waves through the net like the wake behind a boat.

I sit down on his bed. It was a black headboard with red sheets. How could I have not known? Why didn't I figure he was working with demons? I trust people too easily, and this is how it always ends, me being stuck in a terrible situation.

I hear the knob start to open. I jump off the bed and run to the door leading out of his room. The door flies open and James is standing there, the same absent look from the movies. I would've been scared, but he was looking right through me. James took one step into the room and then collapsed on the floor, the net rippling.

I drop onto my knees in front of him, and shake his shoulders. James doesn't move so I haul him towards his bed. I pick him up under his arms and hoist him on the bed. I lift up the red sheets and put him underneath them. He looks so peaceful in here, just like he did when we first met. I get in the sheets with him and lay my head down on his chest.

"I miss you" I say under my breath I close my eyes, keeping tears from rolling down my face.

"Amber" he says sleepily

I open up my eyes hoping it wasn't my imagination. I lean up and kiss him before falling asleep on his chest.

I startle awake and see the most amazing thing. The grey net was shimmering, all the shimmers would leave the net and go to James. They would land on him before absorbing into his skin. I lift my head from his chest and stand up. I walk towards the wall facing the bed, waves from the net covering the floor. I watch as the shimmers dance around me before going to James.

All of a sudden the shimmers go away and the net flashes a huge light, like a million camera flashes going off, and then the room is dark besides the net's original warm glow.

"Wha- Amber?" I hear James voice behind me. I turn around and see him looking at me. He was sitting up against the black headboard, running his hands through his messy hair.

"James you're awake." I breathe.

He stands up and smooths down his demon clothes.

He walks towards me and I flinch away. James grabs my hand and then I see it in his eyes. The hint of a red gleam under the brighter blue gleam.

"You have demon in you." I say throwing his hand out of mine, and back up against the wall, ignoring the waves it sends off.

"Amber let me talk to you." James says sympathetically, and then I remember. I remember the caring him, the one who laughed with me in the movie theater. But then I remember he's the one who took me here.

"Fine." I say, swallowing down the sour memories. I slide down against the nets and clutch my legs in my arms, so that they are tight against my chest.

"I'm waiting." I say

"I forgot how stubborn you are." He says, with a hint of a smile on his face. He sighs loudly before sitting at the end of the bed on the floor.

"I'm forced to be a demon sometimes," he says, "I have a computer chip in me that connects to my brain waves and controls me." He continues. "They put it in me when I was eight, and I've had to live with it since."

"So all that was just a way to get me here. You and me were never real?" I say tears rolling down my face.

He goes to get up to hold me, but I stand up and run towards the door. I don't care about the memories, they aren't him, they were a stupid person controlling him.

"Amber wait." He says, and I can hear the desperation in his voice.

"Why? So you can pull some of your demon mojo on me, again?" I say sharply. I didn't know what to feel anymore, it felt like someone stabbed me in the heart and I couldn't breathe. All the comfort from him was fake, he was a machine fulfilling his orders. He had no emotion. And all of a sudden my breath is gone and I feel like I'm a million planets away.

"Right now it's just you and me." He says. "These nets, they're here so I'm protected from the demons, no one can control me in here."

"What? Did they tell you to say that?" I say angrily, as tears fall down my face.

"Amber listen to me." He says approaching me, but I flinch away. "You need to get out of here." He says looking at his feet.

"Why?" I say.

"Because you're what they want, you're The Unknown." He says as he finally brings his eyes to meet my own stare.

Just as he says 'The Unknown' I remember. I was in fifth grade, and I was looking in the mirror, and I saw my eyes gleam red for a short second. I dismissed it as nothing, but maybe it really was something. I have a demon inside me, and it's trying to take over.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2014 ⏰

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