"Karna my son"

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It was the battlefield of Kurukshetra, the soil was redder than usual owing to the deadly war fought there that day and the battlefield was filled with heaps of bodies of dead soldiers horses and even elephants and the air was filled with the mourning voices of thousands and thousands of women . The war was fought between Arjuna the third Pandava prince and Karna the king of Anga. Though they were equally matched Arjuna won the war with the mastermind Krishna by his side. While Arjuna and his mates were rejoicing in their camp they heard a woman crying for Karna calling him her son. Most surprisingly Arjuna found the voice very familiar to him and so did the others. They all ran to the place where Karna's body was kept for the final rites to be done the next day. They stood rooted to the spot when they saw who that lady was. Yes, there sitting before them with Karna in her lap was Maharani Kunti the widowed queen of Hastinapur and the mother of the five Pandavas. Startled and confused Arjuna went to his weeping mother who didn't even seem to realise that he was there. Arjuna knelt down besides his mother and asked why she was crying and why she was calling karna her son. Resting in her son's shoulders and still crying profusely Kunti said,“ Karna is my son, the eldest Pandava”. Everyone gasped and the Pandava brothers collapsed heavily onto the ground besides their mother and Arjuna. “What do you mean mother?” asked Sahadeva the youngest Pandava in a choking voice. “Sahadeva he's the son of me and the sun-god. But he was born long before my marriage so to save my family's name and prestige I had to leave him in the river just a few moments after he was born. I was the most unluckiest mother in the world. I hadn't even got a chance to feed my son at all when he was born” said Kunti

 “Have you known that he's your first child before?” Asked Arjuna who was cursing himself for committing the sin of killing his eldest brother

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“Have you known that he's your first child before?” Asked Arjuna who was cursing himself for committing the sin of killing his eldest brother. Kunti nodded yes. Duryodhana who was silent all the while cried “ What a woman you are? You knew that he's your son and still you kept silent when Arjuna vowed to kill him and above all you kept silent when everyone questioned him and taunted him about his identity when you could have easily put an end to all the humiliation he had gone through in all his life. Normally the Pandava brothers would have slain Duryodhana for insulting their mother but now as they knew everything Duryodhana said was true kept silent. Kunti said “Duryodhana you can't understand my feelings”  “Feelings? why didn't you tell everyone that Karna was your son? ”There came a fierce call of Duryodhana's name from behind the crowd making everyone turn sharply. And there stood Krishna a fierce expression in his face.

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