In The Pandava Tent

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Duryodhana fell over dead Karna and cried profusely. The pandava brothers cried too. The only person who remained unfazed was Shakhuni.  He was standing there with an irritating smirk on his face. Krishna who noticed this gritted his teeth in anger and threw a deadly stare at him which could have burnt anybody alive. But Shakhuni who failed to notice this was secretly rejoicing over his victory of being the reason for the down fall of the Kuru clan which did injustice with his sister Gandhari. However to his luck no one noticed that smirk of his except Krishna so he was left to enjoy his so called victory peacefully without the need to put on a fake act of grief. At last, realizing that it was getting too late Krishna went up to a weeping Kunti and got her by her shoulders and gestured her to come with him. Kunti stood up threw a last look at Karna and went with Krishna as Shakhuni took charge of Duryodhana. Still crying profusely they retired to their respective tents
(In Pandava tent) Arjuna cried and cursed himself for killing his brother and fell to his knees completely heart broken.  Sahadeva tried to console him by reminding him of the words of Krishna about what really death is etc etc... Krishna came in with Kunti. He made her sit down on a chair nearby and gave her water to drink. Kunti accepted it still in tears I did a big mistake she kept on saying. Yudhishtra who came in just in time to hear this said" Tears won't suit you Rajamata Kunti please don't cry you will be restored in that position soon with all due respects you deserve for there is no capable warrior in the Kaurava's army to defeat Arjuna now" There was a sarcastic tone. Everybody in the tent was shocked because Yudhishtira had never spoken to his mother in this manner as long as they had known him. For them he was the epitome of patience a perfect man in the world.  Seeing his brother loosing control of himself Sahadeva the youngest Pandava said," Brother what has happened to you today?How could you talk like that to our mother? You are the one who promised to follow our mother's commands no matter what and now brother you are breaking your promise by disrespecting her. Yudhishtira fell silent, to him dharma was everything and he knew whatever Sahadeva said was right, he can never break his promise   

But Hearing this Bheema who was standing in a corner silently all the time exploded," Yes my dear Sahadeva I do remember that promise" he said sarcastically. "I do remember that promise which lead to all this trouble, this war, loss, hatred everything. But dear Sahadeva do you remember the price that we paid to keep that single promise? Let me remind you" he continued

1. We ruined the life of a woman Panchali, we know she is pure  that she she is a chaste woman, but did the world let her live in  peace? did the world ever treat her with the respect that she deserved? Was she ever treated like a queen? Was she ever treated and respected like the daughter-in-law of the honorable most respected Kuru family at least? 

2.We agreed to marry her because we had to fulfill our brother's promise Sure all five of us loved her but did we pay heed to her wishes and feelings?  No, Sahadeva she had five husbands but neither of us respected her feelings. neither of us stood by her when she needed us the most Every single time we had to choose between her and our brother / mother we let her down. we chose our brother above everyone

3. And what about Arjuna he won Draupadi's hand in the swyamwar  but he had to share her with us just for the sake of that promise. Did he deserve that? No, Not at all. He loved Draupadi so much, but he did not object because we had to keep the  promise. The most painful thing in the world dear brother is seeing the love of your life suffer and not being able to do anything about it. He saw Draupadi suffer so much but could not do anything. The feeling of guilt killed him everyday but he did not complain once. 

4. Sahadeva you and Nakula wanted to marry Draupadi when you heard of her beauty but when Arjuna won the contest you accepted her as your sister in law and because she was your elder brother's wife you thought of her as your mother But all of a sudden you found yourself marrying the woman that you respected as your mother. How awful and disgusting should that have felt for my two little brothers? But neither of you said a word about it and bore the pain as  best as you could

5. Above all, Arjuna vowed to kill brother Karna because he called Draupadi a whore but why did he call her that because she was married to five men. Why ? All thanks to that silly promise.

Nobody said anything. Even Krishna was silent. There was a deadly silence and the moments that followed felt like eternity. 

Hi guys sorry i Know it has been years since I updated and I don't even think I will have any readers but if you are reading this .Thank you so much. I hope you like this :)

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